

ChatGPTさんの『古事記』英訳 古事記上卷 幷序 3 ≪改訂版≫

『古事記』古事記上卷 幷序 3 ≪改訂版≫


≪ 英訳 ≫

 Kojiki, Volume 1 - Preface 3

During the reign of Emperor Taiki, who ascended to the throne at the grand palace in Kashihara in Asuka, there were auspicious signs, such as the appearance of a hidden dragon and the timely response of thunder. Emperor Taiki had visionary dreams and composed songs, and by throwing a water vessel into the night, he discerned the foundation. However, the right time had not yet arrived. Cicadas molted in the southern mountains, and extraordinary events occurred in the eastern provinces. Suddenly, the imperial procession crossed mountains and rivers, and the thunderous sound of troops resounded as the three armies swiftly advanced. The staff and spears were raised with great authority, and brave warriors emerged, their actions enveloped in billowing smoke. The crimson flags illuminated the soldiers, and the evil insurgents were defeated. The stagnant energy dissipated, bringing clarity. Cattle were released, horses were rested, and harmony and filial piety returned to the land of Yamato. The banners were rolled up, the weapons were put away, and the singing and dancing ceased in the capital. In the year of Tatsu, following the twelfth month, Emperor Taiki ascended the heavenly throne at the grand palace in Kashihara. His virtues surpassed those of Emperor Huangdi and exceeded those of King Wen of Zhou. He grasped the sacred symbols and unified the realm, obtaining the mandate of heaven to govern the eight directions. By harnessing the harmonious energies of yin and yang and arranging the sequence of the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, he established divine principles to encourage virtuous behavior and promote the prosperity of the nation. Furthermore, he delved into the vast ocean of knowledge, exploring ancient times, and his clear mirror of wisdom illuminated the ways of the past.


『古事記』古事記上巻 序文 3


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