What do their fellow citizens like and don't like?
It was an interesting day, asking guys on the street about the people ...
It was an interesting day, asking guys on the street about the people from their countries.
It is exciting we to know more about the different nationalities, to respect and connect with each other better. In the comments below, let us know more about what people in your country do like or don't like.
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With love!

What do Brits like and don't like about London
On London's streets, I have asked some young British people about the ...
On London's streets, I have asked some young British people about the city.
Let we see what they said.
It is exciting to see what young people think about London and their opinions.
If you enjoy the video, please share and subscribe to the channel (with the bell icon if you want to be notified of the new videos).
With love!
What do foreigners and natives like and don't like about London?

What do foreigners and natives like and don't like about London?
On London's streets, I have asked some mixed young people foreigners a ...
youtube #video
On London's streets, I have asked some mixed young people foreigners and natives about this city.
It is exciting to see what young people think about London and their opinions.
If you enjoy the video, pls share, and subscribe to the channel (with the bell icon if you want to be notified of the new videos).
With love!
#london #londonstreets #streetstyle #STREETS #youngpeople #LikeAndShare #questions #world #askingpeople #people #PeopleMedia #INTERVIEWER #Nationalities #foreigners
#natives #locals