What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

TERAFIGHTCORE Application for international registration Authorized

2020-11-06 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Friday, 6th of November, 2020


Madrid Protocol (Application for international registration)

Designated countries the U.S.A, China, India EU

Commodity Classification 10th Class 21

Registration date: September 29, 2020

Expiration date: September 29, 2030


I admire myself that, how dare, I apply for international registration.

However, I think that international registration is necessary because TERAFIGHTCORE is going to spread to the world.

TERAFIGHTCORE is a "talisman" internationally.

This is the trademark that I really wanted to get.


Saturday 7th, I will be in Tokyo!

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