What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Mount Chigogabaka and the underground temple of Empress Kōmyō

2020-08-22 18:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Saturday, 22nd of August, 2020

Another thing that I associate from Umeda (梅田) and Umeda Shrine (埋田神社) is ...

the meaning of the Keplerian triangle of  Mount Chigogabaka (稚子ヶ墓山), the underground temple of Empress Kōmyō (光明皇后) and the Shoshazan Engyoji Temple (書写山円教寺).

I can imagine its meaning but I cannot describe it in detail here.

I feel the strangeness of the ancient religion.


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