
Banks want to shoot the messenger over fair value rules

FT.com / Companies / Financial services - Banks want to shoot the messenger over fair value rules

英Financial Times紙より、米国で高まっている時価会計停止論や時価会計責任論に反対するコラム記事。筆者は米SECの元チーフ・アカウンタントです。


Buyers will only emerge when the assets are offered for sale at a price that will generate a reasonable return, given the risk involved. Unfortunately, this means the banks will need to take the additional losses, unless taxpayers bail them out. These are losses for which bank management should be held responsible and accountable, yet they are trying to shove them under the carpet.


The real crisis is that banks have run out of sufficient cash to remain liquid, pay off depositors and other bills as they come due. Even if fair value reporting is suspended, the crisis will remain. Whether a bank reports an asset on its books at $100 or $60 does not change its available cash or the amounts it owes. That is why even if fair value reporting is suspended, the crisis will remain. If the problem were merely fair value accounting - as banks argue - then they would not need the $700bn they are lobbying for. However, even with suspension of fair value accounting, they are still asking for all the money - hoping their red herring will deflect attention from the real problem.


To bring back investors to the markets, they must once again be convinced they are getting reliable information upon which to base informed, not misinformed decisions.


Until then, they may prefer Las Vegas where at least the word "Casino" appears on the entrance.






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