札幌北区の占いの父当たる占い師 占い暦25年、人生アドバイザー石原聖山 


Proverb April 19 of the Mt. Seizan Ishihara

2010年04月19日 | 日記
I have a dream! ! . . . . Seizan
Are you satisfied with the present life?

(News). . Do you have a dream? The divination by means of dreams building (the shop where spirit are given to) (with the fortune-telling & trouble life consultation BOX, power coffee) from October 1, 2009 Kita-ku, Sapporo-shi Kitajuhachijo west the third order 1-12

A renewal is open in the third floor 302 of 18 lines of terminal buildings!

It is subway Kitajuhachijo Station foot one minute! A chattering open space asu work of the free paper, non-rouge April, 2010 issue (divination by means of dreams building, a publication)

▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲

(A proverb)Monday, April 19  

■ I am born in January. . . (I take responsibility for one's remark)

■ I am born in February. . . (It is all energy for achievement of purpose)

■ I am born in March. . . (If get rid of likes and dislikes; as for the human relations smoothly)

■ I am born in April. . . (The love in search of an ease is stable)

■ I am born in May. . . (I hold a heart and contact)

■ I am born in June. . . (To a person of the heart approach)

■ I am born in July. . . (I contact a congenial friend and am refreshed)

■ I am born in August. . . (have confidence toward oneself)            

■ I am born in September. . . (in the place that if the chance is unexpected, is imminent)

■ I am born in October. . . (Everything is practical; and forward)

■ I am born in November. . . (important for the investment in oneself)

■ I am born in December. . . (by I am not troubled alone, a specialized counselor, consultation)

▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲

I pray to be good for you today on ー day

It is Mt. Adviser life Seizan Ishihara for 25 years in a fortune-telling career. . (Fortune-telling)Onomastics, horoscope pneumatics. Oneiromancy. Looks fortune-telling inspirations.

■ Distribute it to chattering open space ■ asu work ,■ non, rouge April, 2010 issue (divination by means of dreams building, a publication) seikou Mart, Geo, sand rack, turuha, gusto, Asahi Shimbun insert or install it; no charge magazine)

<A search>Mt. Seizan Ishihara…To you happiness! !

Please talk without objective fortune-telling & is a trouble consultation shop, and it saws the divination by means of dreams building (the shop where spirit are given to) to guide your life in the future to the way of the happiness through fortune-telling and stand, and only ー degree tells your important life that there is not, and a life adviser Sei Ishihara mountain tells coffee (笑 called power coffee recently) right out in 25 in a career, and I am alone, and being troubled. . .

Power cheerful in your heart

It is ,■ marriage as of now. ■Love. ■Work. ■Home. ■I let an icon of one me troubled with health do a person and touch a finger, and please advocate only one one's wish more than ten times in a heart. Give me it heartily slowly! Mysterious power to you. . . As it is good. . . I pray for good luck. . . Mt. Seizan Ishihara.

I pray for your happiness

Do you have a dream?

Divination by means of dreams building (yumesenkan )■ fortune-telling &) with the trouble life consultation BOX ■ (siphon power coffee)


It is ■ marriage as of now. ■Love. ■Work. ■Home. ■Are not you troubled with health? Please talk by all means at this opportunity, and Mt. Seizan Ishihara is advised by you! !     

(fortune-telling & trouble life consultation reservation acceptance)

TEL .011-747-5298

TEL. 090-2878-2352

Kita-ku, Sapporo-shi Kitajuhachijo west the third order 1-12

18 lines of terminal building 3F302

(It is foot one minute from the subway Kitajuhachijo Station first exit)

Business hours 10: 00-12: 00, 13: 00-19: 00

Regular holiday Sunday(The uncertainty)

◆ For fortune-telling career 25 years,

◆ Mt. Adviser fortune-telling & life Seizan Ishihara (said father of the fortune-telling of Kita-ku)

◇ Fortune-telling rate 30 minutes 3,000 yen(Privacy strict observance)

◇ Fortune-telling = name fortune-telling, horoscope pneumatics fortune-telling, oneiromancy, the looks, an inspiration

  (only as for the trouble consultation, possible)  

The matchmaking spell talisman (love luck marriage luck improves) great popularity of the Mt. Seizan Ishihara handwriting!
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札幌の占い師 占い歴25年&人生アドバイザー石原聖山の格言

2010年04月19日 | 日記
札幌の占い師 占い歴25年&人生アドバイザー石原聖山の格言4月19日 

I have a dream!!。。。。聖山

Are you satisfied with the present life?

(お知らせ)。。Do you have a dream? の夢占館(元気が出るショップ)は(占い&お悩み人生相談BOX,パワーコーヒー付き)2009年10月1日より札幌市北区北18条西3丁目1-12


地下鉄北18条駅徒歩1分です! フリーペーパーのおしゃべり広場アスワーク、ノンルージュ2010年4月号(夢占館 、掲載 )









■7月生まれ。。。 (気の合う友と接しリフレッシュ)

■8月生まれ。。。 (自分に自信を持て)           

■9月生まれ。。 。(チャンスは意外と身近なところに)


■11月生まれ。。 。(自分への投資も大切)

■12月生まれ。。 。(一人で悩まず専門カウンセラーに相談を)




■おしゃべり広場■アスワーク、■ノン、ルージュ2010年4月号(夢占館 、掲載 )セイコーマート,ゲオ,サンドラック、ツルハ、ガスト、朝日新聞折込等に配布又は設置、無料誌)





I pray for your happiness

Do you have a dream?









営業時間 10:00~12:00、13:00~19:00

定休日 日曜(不定)



◇占い料金 30分3,000円 (プライバシー厳守)

◇占術= 姓名占い、九星気学占い、夢占い、人相、霊感等


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