2011/9/28日 北海道大学の慰霊式に参加してきました ♪
236名の献体の慰霊式が しめやかに行われました ♪
医学の発展の為に 死しても 役立つのは 見習いたいね ♪
で見られます ♪
I still contributed even if I died ♪
I participated in the ceremony of memorial service of Hokkaido University on 2011/9/28 day ♪
A memorial service type of the body donation of 236 people was held quietly and sorrowfully ♪
I want to follow that I am helpful even if I die for medical development ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪

236名の献体の慰霊式が しめやかに行われました ♪
医学の発展の為に 死しても 役立つのは 見習いたいね ♪
で見られます ♪
I still contributed even if I died ♪
I participated in the ceremony of memorial service of Hokkaido University on 2011/9/28 day ♪
A memorial service type of the body donation of 236 people was held quietly and sorrowfully ♪
I want to follow that I am helpful even if I die for medical development ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪