紅葉の京都から戻ったら 一面 銀世界の雪景色 ♪
暖かい京都から 寒い札幌へ戻りましたよ ♪
寒い冬は ゆっくり 暖かい京都で過したいね ♪
で見られます ♪
"Is it a winter scene" if I return from Kyoto? ♪
If come back from Kyoto of colored leaves; the snow scene of the one side silver world ♪
I came back from warm Kyoto to cold Sapporo ♪
I want to spend the cold winter slowly in warm Kyoto ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪
暖かい京都から 寒い札幌へ戻りましたよ ♪
寒い冬は ゆっくり 暖かい京都で過したいね ♪
で見られます ♪
"Is it a winter scene" if I return from Kyoto? ♪
If come back from Kyoto of colored leaves; the snow scene of the one side silver world ♪
I came back from warm Kyoto to cold Sapporo ♪
I want to spend the cold winter slowly in warm Kyoto ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪