1160年に「後白河法王」が紀州熊野の神様を永観堂の守護神として分霊した ♪
天照大神のニックネームが「若一王子」なので 付けた社名です ♪
素敵な「若王子」に逢えるかも知れないので お越し下さいね ♪
で見られます ♪
Colored leaves of nyakuouji, Kumano Shrine ♪
"goshirakawahouou" performed a divided divine spirit of God of Kishu Kumano as a guardian deity of Eikan-do Temple in 1160 ♪
It is the company name that I acquired because a nickname of the Sun-Goddess "is a young one prince" ♪
Because I may encounter wonderful "Wakaoji", come ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪

天照大神のニックネームが「若一王子」なので 付けた社名です ♪
素敵な「若王子」に逢えるかも知れないので お越し下さいね ♪
で見られます ♪
Colored leaves of nyakuouji, Kumano Shrine ♪
"goshirakawahouou" performed a divided divine spirit of God of Kishu Kumano as a guardian deity of Eikan-do Temple in 1160 ♪
It is the company name that I acquired because a nickname of the Sun-Goddess "is a young one prince" ♪
Because I may encounter wonderful "Wakaoji", come ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪