徳川秀忠と江の八番目の娘「東福門院和子」の菩提寺です ♪
後水尾天皇の妻となり 長女「興子(おきこ)」は 「女帝天皇」の「明正天皇」です ♪
「葵の御紋」と「菊の御紋」が並んでいるのを確認してね ♪
Colored leaves of kouunji temple ♪
It is a family temple of Hidetada Tokugawa and the eighth daughter "toufukuin Kazuko" of gou ♪
I become a wife of the Emperor Gomizuno, and the eldest daughter "interest child" (okiko) "is the Emperor Meisho" of "the Emperor empress" ♪
Confirm that "the crest of a noble family of the chrysanthemum" equals "a crest of a noble family of Aoi" ♪
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