正式名は 「五却思惟阿弥陀如来像」と言います ♪
却とは 縦160キロ 横160キロ 高さ160キロ の岩を 三千年に一度 天人が舞い降りて 衣
でひと拭きして 岩が無くなる時間 ♪
仏様でも 却の五倍もの時間をかけて 悟りをひらいたのですよ ♪
Oh, it is a Buddhist image of the flow hair ♪
The official name is called "gokou shiyui amidanyoraizou" ♪
The time when God and people go down the rock of 160 kilos in height 160 kilos in width 160
kilos in height with kou once in 3,000 years and wipe a person with clothes and do it, and a
rock disappears ♪
Even Buddha took time of 5 times of 却 and opened the realization ♪
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