7月23日に 蝦夷地支配の象徴である「松前城」でアイヌ民族の儀式が行われた ♪
松前藩が 講和の席で「シャクシャイン」を謀殺してから 初めての儀式です ♪
松前城とアイヌ民族が 仲良くするのは 平和の象徴ですね ♪
Kazuto is reconciled with Ainu race after an interval of 343 years ♪
The ceremony of the Ainu race was performed in "the Matsumae castle" which was a symbol of the Ezo place rule on July 23 ♪
It is the first ceremony since Matsumae feudal clan murders "syakusyain" in a seat of peace ♪
It is a symbol of peace that Ainu race gets along well with Matsumae Castle ♪
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