私が 23歳の時に 車で日本一周するのに 安全祈願した神社です ♪
日本一周を10日間の5,000キロの旅で 二回も 交通違反で捕まりました (泣く)
久々に 訪れましたが 天気も良く 「えぞ富士」も 綺麗に撮れました ♪
As for obtaining it, it is Fuji OF Kimobetsu Shrine ♪
I am the Japanese Shinto shrine which I prayed for safely to go around it by car at the age of 23 years old ♪
I was caught for a traffic violation on a trip of 5,000 kilos of 10 days twice in one round of Japan (cry)
It was after a long absence and came, but, as for the weather, "obtaining it was able to take Fuji" neatly well ♪
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