天下の名妓と歌われた「吉野太夫」が寄進した門ですよ ♪
常照寺の朱色の山門には 「吉野門」の名札が掛かっていますよ ♪
吉野太夫は 26才で1,300両で身請けされて 38才で没した ♪
で見られますよ ♪
Colored leaves of the Yoshino gate ♪
It is the gate where talented geisha of the world and sung "Yoshino tayu" cost a pittance ♪
A name card of "good luck Nokado" hangs over the cinnabar red main gate of a Buddhist temple of jyousyouji ♪
The Yoshino tayu was performed ransom of by 1,300 cars at 26 years old and sank at 38 years old ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪

常照寺の朱色の山門には 「吉野門」の名札が掛かっていますよ ♪
吉野太夫は 26才で1,300両で身請けされて 38才で没した ♪
で見られますよ ♪
Colored leaves of the Yoshino gate ♪
It is the gate where talented geisha of the world and sung "Yoshino tayu" cost a pittance ♪
A name card of "good luck Nokado" hangs over the cinnabar red main gate of a Buddhist temple of jyousyouji ♪
The Yoshino tayu was performed ransom of by 1,300 cars at 26 years old and sank at 38 years old ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪