breakfastです♡ 2022-06-13 08:20:39 | 日記 The green arrow矢印 bread is Nogami's raw bread that I bought yesterday and was founded創業in 2013.The white arrow is the bread in the supermarket.This is delicious when made into freanch toast.
おはようございます♡ 2022-06-13 05:29:36 | 日記 OK COMPUTER(1997年)より1.Airbagwikipediaで改めてこの楽曲について調べました。元々はAcoustic🎸の弾き語りだったようです。この朝🌅の空気感がいいですね!!そして私の考えです。辻褄を合わせると安定します。My current feelings will be stable when I combine Tsuji(Match).To make one's story to seem coherent;to adjust on e's story to fit'the situation. Experience of a truk accident in the background?There is. But it's a refreshing morning song for me.(e'sは3人称単数?)