I stopped by a cake shop near my parent's house.
It is a cozy cake居心地の良いshop in the hous complex住宅団地.
I bought Earl Gray and Matcha chiffon cake. I was the only customer in the shop's older sisterお姉さん.
When I showed the image of breakfast to the shop's older sister in the shop, I was praised称賛, so I was a little confident(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

lunch made fried chicken. Egg white was mixed with fried chicken powder.Mix egg yolk黄身with natto. I also made french fries フライドポテト
The white string attached to the "yolk"of the egg is called "Karaza". It's a nutritiousニュードゥリィシャス
elite. It was good to know for the first time today.