
元気で幸せで暮らすため いい生活習慣を身に付けまましょう

Our products is perfect for who need a patient bed!

2018-12-28 16:55:46 | みつばち健康科学研究所の研究成果の発表会
The beds are created for in the home so they are extremely simple to put together and don't require any tools to assemble. Moreover, hospital beds are easily cleaned and are simple to keep hygiene. Many specialist hospital beds are also produced to be able to effectively treat various injuries.

If your patient is heavier the mattress needs to have a greater weight rating or a good core. The way a patient perceives you may make a significant difference. Patients will need to feel confident in regards to the examination bed. Your allergy doctor might have to execute a comprehensive examination of your history and family history to be able to establish the outcome of the RAFT test's accuracy. The allergy doctor will subsequently pay close attention to the region to search for any symptoms of allergic reaction.

Hospital beds are versatile and robust, when it comes to ease to wash, maintenance when compared with household bed for a lengthier time period. A house care hospital bed may also be used for short-term patients recovering from surgery. Assembling a house care hospital bed isn't very difficult and can be carried out in 15-25 mintues.

Household beds are hard to wash and maintain hygiene for lengthier time period. Electrically operated beds offer an extremely comfortable sleeping position. A minimal bed makes the fall a brief trip. Though a manual bed is not as expensive consider that each and every adjustment has to be made manually. Anyway, manual beds are useful in setting where the electric embedded system isn't consistent. The most suitable examination bed also helps the physician prevent back strain.

14 frequently asked questions in the field of mold manufacturing [Part 1]

2018-12-28 16:55:46 | みつばち健康科学研究所の研究成果の発表会
(1) What is the most important and most decisive factor in choosing mold steel?
Forming method - can be selected from two basic material types.
A) Hot-worked tool steel that withstands relatively high temperatures during die casting, forging and extrusion.
B) Cold working tool steel for blanking and shearing, cold forming, cold extrusion, cold forging and powder press forming.
Plastic - Some plastics produce corrosive by-products such as PVC plastic. Condensation, corrosive gases, acids, cooling/heating, water or storage conditions caused by prolonged shutdowns can also cause corrosion. In these cases, it is recommended to use a stainless steel die steel. Mold Size - Large size molds often use pre-hardened steel. Integral hardened steel is often used in small size molds.
Mold use times - long-term use (> 1000000 times) of the mold should use high hardness steel, its hardness is 48-65HRC. Medium long-term use (100,000 to 1,000,000 times) today's focus:
The mold should be pre-hardened steel with a hardness of 30-45 HRC. For short-term use (<100000 times), the mold should be made of mild steel with a hardness of 160-250HB. Surface Roughness - Many plastic mold manufacturers are interested in good surface roughness. When sulfur is added to improve metal cutting performance, the surface quality is thus degraded. Steels with high sulfur content also become more brittle.

(2) What are the primary factors affecting the machinability of materials?
The chemical composition of steel is very important. The higher the alloy composition of steel, the harder it is to process. As the carbon content increases, the metal cutting performance decreases. The structure of the steel is also very important for metal cutting performance. Different structures include: forged, cast, extruded, rolled and machined. Forgings and castings have very difficult to machine surfaces. Hardness is an important factor affecting the metal cutting performance. The general rule is that the harder the steel, the harder it is to process. High speed steel (HSS) can be used to process materials up to 330-400HB; high speed steel + titanium nitride (TiN) coatings can process materials up to 45HRC; for materials with hardness 65-70HRC, Carbide, ceramic, cermet and cubic boron nitride (CBN) are used. Non-metallic inclusions generally have an adverse effect on tool life. For example, Al2O3 (alumina), which is a pure ceramic, has a strong abrasiveness. The last one is residual stress, which can cause metal cutting performance problems. It is often recommended to perform a stress relief process after roughing.

(3) What are the production costs of mold manufacturing?
Roughly speaking, the distribution of costs is as follows:
Cutting 65%
Workpiece material 20%
Heat treatment 5%
Assembly / adjustment 10%
This also clearly demonstrates the importance of good metal cutting performance and excellent overall cutting solutions for the economic production of molds.

(4) What is the cutting characteristics of cast iron?
In general, it is:
The higher the hardness and strength of cast iron, the lower the metal cutting performance and the lower the life expectancy from the blade and tool. Cast iron used in metal cutting production generally has good metal cutting performance. Metal cutting performance is related to structure, and harder pearlitic cast iron is more difficult to process. Flake graphite cast iron and malleable cast iron have excellent cutting properties, while ductile iron is quite bad. The main types of wear encountered when machining cast iron are: abrasion, bonding and diffusion wear. Abrasive is mainly produced by carbides, sand inclusions and hard cast skin. Bond wear with built-up edge occurs at low cutting temperatures and cutting speeds. The ferrite portion of cast iron is the easiest to weld to the insert, but this can be overcome by increasing the cutting speed and temperature.
On the other hand, diffusion wear is temperature dependent and occurs at high cutting speeds, especially when using high strength cast iron grades. These grades have high resistance to deformation and result in high temperatures. This wear is related to the interaction between the cast iron and the tool, which allows some cast irons to be machined at high speeds using ceramic or cubic boron nitride (CBN) tools for good tool life and surface quality.
Typical tool properties required for machining cast iron are: high heat hardness and chemical stability, but also related to process, workpiece and cutting conditions; the cutting edge is required to have toughness, heat fatigue wear and edge strength. The degree of satisfaction with cutting cast iron depends on how the wear of the cutting edge develops: rapid bluntness means hot cracks and gaps that cause premature cutting of the cutting edge, damage to the workpiece, poor surface quality, excessive waviness, and the like.
Normal flank wear, balance and sharp cutting edges are just what you need to do.

(5) What are the main and common processing steps in mold manufacturing?
The cutting process should be divided into at least 3 process types:
Roughing, semi-finishing and finishing, and sometimes even super finishing (mostly high-speed cutting applications). The residual milling is of course prepared for finishing after the semi-finishing process. It is important to work hard in each process to leave a uniform distribution of allowance for the next process. If the direction of the tool path and the workload are rarely changed rapidly, the tool life may be extended and more predictable. If possible, the finishing process should be performed on a dedicated machine. This will increase the geometric accuracy and quality of the mold during shorter commissioning and assembly times.

(6) Which tool should be mainly used in these different processes?
Roughing process: round insert milling cutter, ball end mill and end mill with round nose radius.
Semi-finishing process: round insert milling cutter (round insert milling cutter with diameter range of 10-25mm), ball end mill.
Finishing process: round insert milling cutter, ball end mill.
Residual milling process: round insert milling cutter, ball end mill, vertical mill.
It is important to optimize the cutting process by selecting a specific combination of tool size, geometry and grade, as well as cutting parameters and appropriate milling strategies. For high-productivity tools that can be used, see the mold manufacturing samples.

(7) Is there one of the most important factors in the cutting process?
One of the most important goals in the cutting process is to create an evenly distributed machining allowance for each tool in each process. This means that tools of different diameters (from large to small) must be used, especially in roughing and semi-finishing operations. The primary criterion at all times should be as close as possible to the final shape of the mold in each process.
Providing a uniform distribution of machining allowance for each tool guarantees constant and high productivity and a safe cutting process. When ap/ae (axial cutting depth/radial cutting depth) is constant, the cutting speed and feed rate can also be constantly maintained at a high level. In this way, the mechanical action and the workload change on the cutting edge are small, so that less heat and fatigue are generated, thereby increasing the tool life. If the latter process is a semi-finishing process, especially for all finishing processes, unmanned or partially unprocessed. Constant material machining allowance is also the basic standard for high speed cutting applications.
Another advantageous effect of a constant machining allowance is the small adverse effect on the machine tool, the guide rails, the ball screw and the spindle bearings.

What you can benefit from our heating pad (heat therapy pad) ??

2018-11-16 09:48:12 | みつばち健康科学研究所の研究成果の発表会
First of all, you should know what is Heat therapy (heat treatment)?? also known as thermotherapy, is the use of heat in treatment. Applying heat to an area increases the blood flow, bringing along proteins and oxygen. The overall benefits of heat therapy are very prevalent. This therapy method is great to decrease joint stiffness, reduce pain and inflammation, and relieve muscle spasms.

Relieves Soreness
Heat therapy can provide relaxation, comfort and reassurance by taking the edge off of several kinds of body pain. Soreness can come from over-exertion or just from a simple workout if the area being exercised has not been worked in a while. Heat therapy can relieve this pain and soreness forcing the muscles to relax. This is also why heat therapy can stop muscle spasms as well.
Soothe Body Stiffness
Body stiffness can occur for many reasons, one of them being from sleeping in the wrong position. Stiffness can cause lack of mobility and an uncomfortable feeling. Heat therapy can help this by providing a warm, comforting sensation. A heating pad and light stretching combined can ease the pain of muscle stiffness.
About our heating pad, its powered by electric (battery) or just a normal power bank you use everyday, so forget the plugs, outlets or the microwavable heat packs, you just need to press the button to start the heat therapy, for more information you can send us email (joyce@mainiko.com) or follow up on social media.

山田英生:酵素分解ローヤルゼリーの継続飲用で インフルエンザ感染予防にも期待

2014-05-21 16:49:16 | みつばち健康科学研究所の研究成果の発表会
山田英生:酵素分解ローヤルゼリーの継続飲用で インフルエンザ感染予防にも期待




株式会社 山田養蜂場(本社:岡山県苫田郡鏡野町、代表・山田英生)は、「ローヤルゼリーを飲むと風邪をひきにくくなった」というお客様の声を頂き、ヒトの「免疫力」に対する酵素分解ローヤルゼリーの有効性を検証するため、試験を実施しました。その結果、酵素分解ローヤルゼリー※1の継続飲用によって、ヒトの唾液中のIgA※2が増加し、ウイルスなどの感染に対する抵抗性が高まることを、確認しました。

■方法:唾液に含まれるIgAの分泌が比較的低い方10名(47.6 ± 13.0歳)を対象に、酵素分解ローヤルゼリー(生換算7,200 mg/日)を4週間飲用して頂き、飲用前と飲用後に唾液に含まれるIgAを測定しました。








唾液に含まれるIgAの分泌が比較的低い方10名(47.6 ± 13.0歳)を対象に、酵素分解ローヤルゼリー(生換算7,200 mg/日)を含む錠剤を4週間飲用して頂き、飲用前と飲用後に唾液に含まれるIgAを測定し、比較しました。





タグ :


2014-05-21 16:35:30 | みつばち健康科学研究所の研究成果の発表会



株式会社 山田養蜂場(本社:岡山県苫田郡鏡野町 代表:山田英生)は、このたび、「山田養蜂場 みつばち研究助成基金」にてイタリア・東ピエモンテ大学のエリア・ランツァート博士を助成し、山田養蜂場が提供した、完熟生蜂蜜が、傷ついた皮膚の“再上皮化(さいじょうひか)”を促進して治癒を促すこと、さらに、蜂蜜の種類によって再上皮化を促進するメカニズムが異なることを確認しました。今回の研究から、伝承的に用いられてきた蜂蜜の創傷治癒効果に関わる作用機序の一端が明らかとなりました。
なおこの成果は学術誌“Wound Repair and Regeneration”にて発表されました(詳細は3ページ目をご覧ください)。



シート状に培養したヒト皮膚細胞に引っかき傷をつけ、蜂蜜を添加しない状態、あるいはアカシア蜂蜜、ソバ蜂蜜、マヌカ蜂蜜※2)をそれぞれ0.1 %の濃度で細胞に添加した状態で24時間培養。再上皮化促進の指標である“再上皮化率”を算出し比較。






株式会社山田養蜂場 文化広報室 関、寺田 〒708-0393  

TEL:0868-54-1906 (月~金 9:00~17:30、土日祝除く) /
 FAX:0868-54-3346 / ホームページ:http://www.3838.com
みつばち健康科学研究所ホームページ:http://www.bee-lab.jp / 



2)創傷治癒に至る重要な過程: “再上皮化(さいじょうひか)”
創傷を治癒する際に、皮膚は“再上皮化”「 再上皮化とは、傷の周辺の上皮細胞が移動して、傷を元の状態へ戻そうとする過程のことです」を起こします。

3)試験の目的: 蜂蜜による創傷治癒に“再上皮化”が関わっているか明らかにする

試験1) 蜂蜜は、傷ついた皮膚の“再上皮化”を促進することによって治癒を促す
シート状に培養したヒト皮膚細胞に針状のチップを用いて引っかき傷をつけ、蜂蜜を添加しない状態、あるいは、アカシア蜂蜜、ソバ蜂蜜、マヌカ蜂蜜をそれぞれ0.1 %の濃度で細胞に添加した状態で24時間培養しました。陽性対象として、強力な創傷治癒促進剤である血小板溶解液を20 %の濃度で添加しました。そして、引っかいた直後の傷の幅と、培養後の傷の幅から再上皮化率を算出しました。その結果、すべての蜂蜜が同様に、無添加の状態よりも著しく高い再上皮化率を示しました。再上皮化率を高める成分は再上皮化を促す働きを持つと判定できるため、蜂蜜は、傷ついた皮膚の“再上皮化”を促進することによって治癒を促すと考えられます。

試験2) 蜂蜜の種類によって異なるメカニズムで再上皮化を促進する



Ranzato E, Martinotti S, Burlando B., Epithelial mesenchymal transition traits in honey-driven keratinocyte wound healing: comparison among different honeys. Wound Repair and Regeneration, 20(5), 778-785, 2012.


※1)蜜源植物・・・蜂蜜の原料となる花蜜を求めて、ミツバチが訪花する植物。例えばソバ蜂蜜は、ミツバチがソバの花蜜を集め、自身の消化酵素でショ糖をブドウ糖と果糖に分解し、糖度を79 %以上に高めた蜂蜜である。


【山田養蜂場 みつばち研究助成基金について】

「山田養蜂場 みつばち研究助成基金」は、予防医学的健康観に基づいて、蜂産品を初めとする天然素材を対象とした研究を活性化し、その成果を皆さまの健康や美容に活かしたいとの思いから、2008年、創業60周年を機に設立した基金です。これまでに、医学、薬学、生物学、機械工学などの幅広い分野における国内外の研究を支援してまいりました。2013年度も募集を行ない、現在、選考を行なっているところです。本基金も6年目を迎え、その成果は、国内外の学術誌や学術大会などで続々と発表されております。今後も、ニュースリリースやホームページ、セミナーなどで成果をお知らせしてまいります。どうぞご期待ください。