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Install the correct height of the outdoor CCTV monitor

2020-06-06 17:14:01 | 不老長寿
Most outdoor CCTV monitors are installed on the walls or peripheral walls of the house. Outdoor cameras need to be installed at the correct height, otherwise they will not get the best visual effect.

What happens if the outdoor camera is installed too low or too high?
If the camera is installed too high, it means that when you watch the video, you can only see the visitors' heads. Generally speaking, the camera can emit infrared light within a limited distance to capture visual effects. If the camera is installed too high, it will not fully illuminate the surrounding area.

Installing the camera too low may cause vandalism and wrongdoing. Criminals can destroy the security system by damaging the lens. Not only that, cameras installed too low do not have a wider viewing angle, meaning they will not be able to monitor and capture the surrounding environment.

What is the most suitable height for installing a home surveillance camera outdoors?
The most suitable height for installing a surveillance camera is 7-8 feet above the ground. Not only can this height capture human faces and valuable information, but it is also not susceptible to damage by criminals. Mounting the camera in a higher position has certain advantages. It can capture a larger area and provide a wider field of view.

What else is needed in an outdoor surveillance system?
The height of the camera itself cannot ensure the best surveillance security. You may also need to check the camera's picture clarity, the camera's long-sight capability, lens width, and zoom functions to supplement the basic functions of the outdoor CCTV system. Boshuo has a variety of outdoor surveillance cameras, ultra-high resolution, can be clearly recorded even at night, click to learn about many styles.

It is recommended to ask professionals to install outdoor video surveillance cameras for home security, because they will consider all your requirements and the structure of the house in order to install it in the best location.

Điều gì làm cho viền cạnh của Tem dán cong vênh

2020-06-06 17:11:25 | グルメ
Khi phạm vi ứng dụng của Tem dán ngày càng rộng hơn, việc sử dụng nhãn dán ngày càng nhiều. Nhưng trong quá trình sử dụng, một số người tiêu dùng nhận thấy viền cạnh của tem nhãn rất dễ bị cong. Vậy lý do đó là gì?

Đầu tiên, phải nghĩ đến liệu có phải do keo dán của tem không tốt, lúc này nên chọn một loại keo phù hợp. Hoặc là máy ép viền cạnh không đủ lực ép để ép viền cạnh xuống. Từ đó, dẫn đến tình trạng viền cạnh của tem nhãn bị cong.

Liệu có phải do chất liệu bề mặt của tem nhãn gây nên. Khi chọn Tem dán nên xem lại bề mặt dán tem là phẳng hay cong, đường kính nhỏ hay lớn, là mặt cong hay mặt cầu, thể rắn hay dạng co. Vì việc lựa chọn chất liệu bề mặt và chất lượng có mối quan hệ với nhau. Chai mềm nên chọn vật liệu mềm như PE, PVC, trong khi chai cứng cần sử dụng nhựa PET, BOPP, PS và các vật liệu khác.

Cuối cùng, chúng ta phải xem cạnh của tem nhãn bị cong có phải do lựa chọn chất kết dính không phù hợp hay không. Khi chọn chất kết dính, trước tiên chúng ta nên xác định xem nó là vĩnh viễn hay có thể tháo rời, dán một lần hay có thể dán lại. Sản phẩm có yêu cầu đặc biệt nào đối với các đặc tính hóa học của chất kết dính đối với tem nhãn không , v.v.

Ví dụ, khi dán tem ở bề mặt cong lớn, không nên sử dụng vật liệu giấy dày hoặc cứng, chẳng hạn như giấy tráng gương. Mà nên sử dụng vật liệu giấy hoặc màng mỏng và chất kết dính có độ dính ban đầu cao hơn; Liên quan đến vật chứa cần đổ nóng, chất liệu bề mặt của nguyên liệu nên sử dụng màng mỏng và chất kết dính có độ dính ban đầu tốt.


2020-06-06 16:43:54 | 不老長寿
Mebel-alu aluminium Integrated handle swing doors aluminium Door Profiles. Wide range of Aluminium Door Frame Profile, with customized dimensions for every door for cabinets size.Glass doors feature an aluminium frame, with a wide choice of RAL colours and Anodized color。

If aluminum door profiles and aluminium cabinet profile have scratches, don't worry, you can first prepare wax strips. When repairing all-aluminum furniture, we need to pay attention to the color of the wax strips needs to be similar to that of all-aluminum furniture. It is best to match the color to compare simple.

Coated on all-aluminum furniture can prevent scratches. Speaking of scratches here, what about water marks? Generally speaking, water marks are more difficult to deal with and basically take a while to disappear. The removal method is generally to apply a small amount of salad oil to a soft cloth and wipe in the direction of the texture. .

For more serious scratches, it needs to be removed in a more difficult way. For deeper scratches, mechanical grinding and polishing are generally required. Both of these are more common ways to remove deeper scratches. However, these two removal methods require specialized personnel to operate, and those who do not understand the operation cannot try it.

The Type of Core Barrels

2020-06-06 15:53:26 | 不老長寿
PEERCHEER was founded in 2006, we have manufactured drilling tools for more than 10 years.PEERCHEER manufactures double tube core barrels, overshots, drill rods, casing, core drill bits, reaming shells, casing shoes & rod shoes, core barrel spare parts, drilling accessories etc.

HQ Surface Diamond Drilling Core Barrel Backend
Core BarrelHQ-wireline-coring-core-barrel
Standard Configuration
1-HQ Head Assembly
2-HQ Inner Tube
3-HQ Stop Ring
4-HQ Core Lifter
5-HQ Core Lifter Case
6-HQ Locking Coupling
7-HQ Adapter Coupling
8-HQ Landing Ring
9-HQ Outer Tube
10-HQ Inner Tube Stabilizer
11-HQ Thread Protector

PQ Surface Diamond Drilling Core Barrel
double tube core barrels

PQ Nonimal Parameter MM Inches
PQ Hole Diameter(approx.) 122.6 4.827
PQ Core Diameter(approx.) 85.0 3.346
PQ Core Bit Set OD(approx.) 122.0 4.803
PQ Core Bit Set ID(approx.) 85.0 3.346
PQ Reaming Shell Set OD(approx.) 122.6 4.827
PQ Outer Tube OD 117.5 4.626
PQ Outer Tube ID 103.2 4.063
PQ Inner Tube OD 95.6 3.764
PQ Inner Tube ID 88.9 3.500
Wireline Triple Tube Core Barrel NQ3 Natural Diamond Core Bit
double tube core barrelsCheap-NQ3-Natural-Diamond-Core-Bit-exporter
Standard Configuration
1-NQ3 Head Assembly
2-NQ3 Pump Out Adapter
3-NQ3 Piston Plug
4-NQ3 O Ring
5-NQ3 Core Ejection Piston
6-NQ3 Split tube
7-NQ3 Inner Tube
8-NQ3 Stop Ring
9-NQ3 Core Lifter
10-NQ3 Core Lifter Case
11-NQ3 Locking Coupling
12-NQ3 Adapter Coupling
13-NQ3 Landing Ring
14-NQ3 Outer Tube
15-NQ3 Inner Tube Stabilizer
16-NQ3 Thread Protector

CNC Glass Cutting Machine

2020-06-06 15:52:33 | 不老長寿
The use of plexiglass began in the 1930s and is a synthetic polymer plastic whose main characteristic is optical transparency. The new material plexiglass completely solves the requirements of aircraft development, providing structural simplicity and the required rigidity and safety.

At present, the main characteristics of plexiglass are required in various industries, such as high strength, impact resistance, low weight, high transparency, and easy processing. For small businesses specializing in advertising, design services, architecture, and souvenir products, plexiglass is almost the main structural material.

Processing methods
Plexiglass is perfectly processed by cutting. However, this will produce a large number of small chips. Since the plexiglass melts at a relatively low temperature, the generated chips are easy to sinter and stick to the cutting edge of the tool. This makes it difficult to process and reduces the quality of the finished product. In addition, plexiglass is very sensitive to the sharpness of the tool: the minimum wear of the tool or milling cutter will cause a sharp decline in processing performance.

Another disadvantage of mechanical processing is that plexiglass is prone to contact damage. In addition, this is not only applicable to cutting tools-when the workpiece is fixed on the table, it may damage the surface of the workpiece. However, it is almost impossible to restore the product, such as finishing the polishing, so that the transparent surface is free of white turbidity!

CNC glass cutting machine can provide very high cutting accuracy and seam fineness. Because there is no cutting force, there is no need to install the workpiece, which means that the surface will not be damaged by mechanical clamping. Laser cutting and engraving will not produce chips or dust. The dot effect produced by the high-energy laser on the surface of the plexiglass will only cause the material to evaporate-the generated gas can be easily removed by the machine's standard exhaust system, and will not pollute the environment. The laser processing of plexiglass is carried out at high speed, and the specific processing cost is the lowest.

The CNC glass cutting machine can do all the work with plexiglass: coating large-format workpieces, graphically cutting complex contours, performing surface engraving and even 3D processing!

When choosing laser products for "plexiglass", we need to pay attention to:
1) Laser tube type
Generally, most "budget" models are equipped with laser tubes with mixed gas active media. The characteristics of gas lasers are high radiation stability and low specific energy consumption.

2) The shape and size of the processed workpiece
It is always recommended to take the machine "in large quantities" to the desktop area. The limiting factor here may be the budget and the area where the machine will be located on the production floor. It should be noted that machines with large working areas are more versatile equipment.

3) The power of the laser tube determines the thickness of the workpiece
For engraving plexiglass, 25-60 watts of power is sufficient. Cutting end-to-end workpieces with a maximum thickness of 10 mm will require 60-80 W of power. To process thicker workpieces, as well as parallel processing of workpieces, lamps with a capacity greater than 80 watts are required.

4) Processing speed
The higher the product's productivity, the greater the company's profit. Therefore, when choosing a laser machine, the focus should be on the maximum speed indicator.

5) Warranty support and service
These factors are very important, and equipment suppliers should be selected first, not only through the verification of the machine model sold, but also through high-quality customer service throughout the life of the equipment.