Hello everyone, here I introduce our new 8 bands portable mobile phone signal jammer SA-008P. This cell phone blocker can jam GPS, Lojack, Wifi, 4G and etc. The total output power is 8Watt.
★The latest 8 antennas portable Jammer,Have good Jamming for all mobile phone 2G,3G,4G signal and WI-FI2.4G/GPSL1 bands.
★Total output power: 4W Jamming range up to 20m
★Use External Omni-directional antennas,all the TX frequency covered down link only
★The latest design and Good cooling system with cooling fan inside
★Could be chargered in car with DC12V
★Can turn on or off any single band without influencing the other bands operation
★ Built-in Battery:4000mA/h,Charge full time within 4Hours,Working time:1-2Hours.
★ODM and OEM orders are welcome,,You can select any 8 bands for your require,GPSL2-L5,433MHz 315Mhz.etc,The price maybe different.
★The latest 8 antennas portable Jammer,Have good Jamming for all mobile phone 2G,3G,4G signal and WI-FI2.4G/GPSL1 bands.
★Total output power: 4W Jamming range up to 20m
★Use External Omni-directional antennas,all the TX frequency covered down link only
★The latest design and Good cooling system with cooling fan inside
★Could be chargered in car with DC12V
★Can turn on or off any single band without influencing the other bands operation
★ Built-in Battery:4000mA/h,Charge full time within 4Hours,Working time:1-2Hours.
★ODM and OEM orders are welcome,,You can select any 8 bands for your require,GPSL2-L5,433MHz 315Mhz.etc,The price maybe different.