
元気で幸せで暮らすため いい生活習慣を身に付けまましょう


2014-08-27 10:23:13 | 高齢社会













Q:あなたは社長だけでなく、会社の直販体制にあり、養蜂になった後も大きな国である - コラボレーション蜂製品のルーマニアの国立医療センター、共同技術開発を。起業家として、なぜそんなに重要性は、研究それを開発する?




開発プロセスでは、我々は"、ではない病気の予防」に東洋医学の立場に立って予防医学の概念であり、我々はそれが体の免疫システムと予防措置をとる自然治癒力を高める願ってください。など今のところ、私たちの "蜂健康科学研究所」や大学、中国、アメリカ、ドイツ、イタリア、ルーマニア、オーストラリア、カナダ、キューバ、マケドニア、コンゴや他の110の国と地域における研究機関、共同研究の完成に関与大規模な論文数、および学ぶ。










山田英生ああ、はい、中国で2000年前にさかのぼる、「神農のハーブクラシック"、蜂蜜、蜂の幼虫のように分類される「トップグレード。"蜂蜜は、 "すべての病気に加えて、5臓器、Qiは痛みの解毒に記入し、100薬。」と言うことができますハチの幼虫」においGaNは、非毒性やや冷たい、頭痛に出席し、毒を除いて、負傷中の強壮勝利は、Jiufu良好な光沢の色は、古いではありません。"







2014-08-27 10:05:08 | 日記
8月2日付け 茨城新聞 経済面(9面)

ネパールで植樹 森林再生を支援

蜂蜜やロイヤルゼリーを製造・販売する山田養蜂場(岡山県鏡野町 代表:山田英生)は1日までに、ネパールの首都カトマンズ近郊にある世界遺産、チャングナラヤン寺院近くで植樹活動を行った。同社は1999年からネパールの森再生を支援しており、これまでに約45万本の苗木を植樹。今年は15周年の節目の年となる。



China sourcing agent's presence

2014-08-26 16:44:34 | 高齢社会
Mature, low cost, huge Chinese market has attracted buyers from around the world, foreign buyers in select China buying office believes they face a variety of obstacles, the balance between quality and price includes. In China's vast supplier base, so that the task is arduous. Differences in culture and language are other issues .. With trade liberalization expands the number of foreign direct send more people to help them purchase in China, and many of our customers, due to the strength and other factors, there are no conditions in China set up its own direct procurement department, so rarely find some Chinese people make their purchasing agent business rules, which is the need for China sourcing agent exist.

 Purchasing Agent enterprise also has the following advantages and capabilities:
1. Materials procurement aspects of existence itself cost squeeze space.
2. Purchasing agent can help achieve cost savings direct purchase.
3. Purchasing Agent to better ensure the quality of materials procurement.
4. Purchasing agent can provide more efficient service.
5. Purchasing agent can effectively prevent corruption in procurement of materials.

China this new material procurement mode Purchasing rep can survive and get development, we must meet three conditions: First, low-cost, namely low when it provides its own procurement of goods prices than customers, which is China purchasing rep can exist premise. Second, quality, material quality that is provided to meet the requirements of customers, which is key to China purchasing rep can exist. Third, integrity, that allow customers to believe they need to be accurate and timely supplies to the designated locations, which is the basis for the procurement agent can exist. This requires, China purchasing rep companies must have a high degree of social responsibility procurement agent has cheap, efficient, fast and so on. Any sense, highly professional team and highly specialized materials distribution management tools, to rely on efficient management, high-quality personnel, to establish a good reputation in the community.

Maintenance methods silver jewelry

2014-08-26 11:30:09 | 高齢社会
For today's women, jewelry is not only an asset, identity, status symbol, but it is the quality of life in one of the highlights is a means to show their great wealth. Fashion jewelry, silver jewelry, costume jewelry, cubic zirconia rings, 925 silver, gold bracelets, charm bracelets, cuff bracelets and other jewelry are very popular favorite. Many friends like sterling silver jewelry, but do not know how to maintain, in fact, we just usually pay attention to the following points, maintenance becomes simple and silver easily.
1, the best maintenance method is to wear every day silverware, because the body can produce naturally moist oil sheen.
2, Do not wear silver jewelry while wearing other precious metals, to avoid collision deformation or abrasion.
3, keep the silver dry, do not wear swimming, not close to the hot springs and sea water. Not available when the cotton swab or tissue paper surface, remove moisture and dirt, it would be placed in a sealed bag or box to avoid contact with air.
4, if we find silver with yellow signs, the easiest way to add a little water to use toothpaste light wash surface. Or use a small brush to clean silver jewelry jewelry slits, then rub silver cloth graze the surface, we can immediately restore the original beautiful ornaments. (If you use silver cleaning cloth to recover about 89 percent of white situation, would not have to use silver polishing silver milk and wash water, because they all have some corrosion, silver jewelry after using these products become more easy to turn yellow. Additionally, rub silver cloth containing silver and maintenance component, can not be washed with water)
5, silver yellow too serious, with silver washing water soaking time not too long, usually a few seconds, remove and wash immediately with water, then dry with tissue paper.
Allow themselves to be the focus of this season, fashion and dazzling jewelry is an attractive option for women.

About Online Chinese

2014-08-23 15:09:28 | 高齢社会
China is steeped in history, culture and mystery. Are you interested in Chinese language? Are you curious about Chinese culture? Online Chinese is your best choice .The Chinese pronunciation system is called Pinyin. Pin means to pronounce something together and yin means sounds. So Pinyin explained all the features of Chinese pronunciation, which is that there are several sounds and one needs to pronounce them together.

The sounds are divided into two categories. One is called initials and the other one is called finals. Initials, like the name, should be put at the beginning of the whole word, if there’s an initial in the word. Finals, like the name, should be put at the end of the whole word. There are altogether 23 initials and 24 finals. Please see the form below.

When one wants to pronounce a word, one should pronounce the initial and final together. For example, one should pronounce initial “n” and final “i” together as “ni”, which means “you” in Chinese.

Sometimes, Chinese words have more than one final. There are 3 middle finals in total, which are “I” “u” “ü”. In the case of having two finals, one should pronounce the initial and the two finals together. For example, one should pronounce initial “h” and middle final “u” and final “a” together as “hua”, which means flower.

Last but not least, Chinese words have tones. Many students found tones hard. But I think it is not as difficult as it seems and there are ways to overcome it. There are five tones in Chinese, the first tone, the second tone, the third tone, the fourth tone and the neutral tone, which are marked as “ā” “á” “ǎ” “à” “a”. The way of pronouncing is quite like the image of the marks. The first tone is flat. The second tone is going up. The third tone is going down and then going up. The fourth tone is going down and the neutral tone is softer and shorter than other tones. See the diagram of four tones below.

1.When initial j, q, x, y meets initial ü, üe, ün, and üan, ü, üe, ün, and üan should keep their original pronunciations but they should be written as u, ue, un, and uan. For example, “juan” is actually “jüan” and should be pronounced as “jüan” but should be written as “juan”. j, q, x, y cannot be pronounced with final u.

2.If students find it hard to pronounce some words together, such as two second tones “měi guó rén (American)”, students could pronounce each character separately and with a pause in the middle. When getting used to it, students can pronounce them faster and more fluently.

3.In the case of duplications, like “bà ba” (father), the second character is normally pronounced as neutral tone.

4.Initial “r” in Chinese is pronounced differently from “r” in English.

5.Not all initials and finals can be pronounced together.

6.Where there are two third tones, the first third tone is pronounced as second tone normally. For example, nǐ hǎo (hello) is pronounced as ní hǎo instead.

1.zhōnɡ ɡuó (China) 2. niú ròu (beef)
3.ɡē qǔ (songs) 4. juàn zi (exam paper)
5.ɡǒu (dog) 6. zuò xià (sit down)
7.xué xiào (school) 8. zuǒ shǒu (left hand)
9.kā fēi (coffee) 10. hàn yǔ (Chinese)

If you are interested in Chinese language, if you are curious about Chinese culture, if you plan to travel to China, if you plan to study in China, or you may be just interested in Chinese, or may be interested in China or Chinese or Chinese culture, then that makes you a Chinese Enthusiast.

If you are just young, young at heart or easy going and just are interested in Chinese, then Fun Chinese is for you.

So, no matter which of these you are or who you are, if you have a need to learn Chinese language and culture, you can Learn Chinese Online.