apricotの里 あんずの里


初すべり Snow boarding^^

2008-02-04 16:47:38 | Weblog

Hi how are you doing ??

I went to Vancouver before I went there on October久しぶりに行ったのだよ


Good Good Good!!!


I went shops ^^there have lots of good place in Vancovuer


and We went to kitanoya guu (北の家Guu that is japanese bar).

soooooooo NICE


After back to Whistler, We did Snowboarding second time for me

Of cause first time in Whistler



That's cold day thisday. About -15℃


My friend is snowboard instracter.so He teached us

That's fun^^


Already its February!!

Maybe I'll live in Whistler untill March or Middle of April

After that I'll go traveling