Have you drank japanese plam wine? that we call 'Umeshu'
I really like it
There is plam wine bar in Tokyo. so I went to there with my friends
If you never taken the plam wine you shold drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is my tennis friend and another guy who met at Bambi in Whistler.
He was coming to my B&B for job
When he was stayed there, we were talkng often, then we knews that
our house is very near in Tokyo We can go to each house by walk
So After backed Japan, We could meet with
But almost soon, He is going to go to San Diego for job with his family
I recommend Japanese plam wine
Yestereday, I send e-mail for B&B's mother
Aftrer backed to Japan, I send it 1 st time. I was thiknking I wanna sent e-mail for her
And then She was repling mail for me
I like her and also I thought working at her B&B is really good
I'd like to meet her