

Whose surname?

2021-07-27 22:46:39 | 日記

When I was born, I was given my father’s surname. When I was seven, I asked my mum why I didn’t have the same surname as her and my sister (who both have my mum’s ex husband & my sister’s dad’s name, which is why it wasn’t originally given to me) as our household consisted of only the three of us, and at the time we were not in contact with my father. We changed my surname to a double barrel so I still had my father’s name, but also the name my mum and sister used. As far as I’m aware, my mum did not need my father’s permission to do this, but she did need a witness to the name change (her own mother, my grandmother, did this).

I’m happy with my double surname. In fact, it’s quite useful, as I can legally use just one or the other if I wish, as the legal documentation does not include a hyphen between the surnames.

Just thought I’d input from a different perspective! 


2021-07-27 07:11:01 | 日記

I forgot to mention that if my little boy still wanted to nurse, I would absolutely still be nursing, and I’m not giving any reasons. This is not something that needs to be justified anymore than the original decision to begin breast feeding in the first place. My body, My baby, My choice.
Also forgot to say, another great post Ruth!!!! Keep ‘em coming!