

To Anji and Ruth

2021-07-25 08:26:15 | 日記

Anji – yes, it’s horrible when he refuses cuddles. I tend to find some other way of touching him in those circs – tickling him or poking him or shaking hands with him, because I really want to touch him, but at the same time, if he’s said ‘no cuddle, not today’ then I try hard to stick to it.

Ruth – there seem to be a lot of children who hate getting dressed and I’m totally with the idea of letting them run around the house with no clothes on if that’s what they want. But when it’s going to cause distress or harm in some way to my boy? I am going to explain why I’m doing it (I’ve done this since he was FAR too young to understand) and go on with it. He is getting to an age where he understands what I’m saying (for example “This is a car park so…” I pause, and he finishes “I hold your hand”. He doesn’t always *want* to hold my hand, but he knows that it’s the car park rule and accepts it.) which makes it a LOT easier!
