CG work
Hello! This is one of my digital works. 包まれた人々_5755 KinZo Have a nice day!

CG work
Flowers 花_5754 KinZo 20220118

KinZo museum_46
KinZo 5750 KinZo 20220114

Rough drawings from my i-Phone 5749/i-Phoneでの粗描から (人物往来)23
KinZo 20220116

Live drawing ( rabbit/sleeping)5748/うさ子(居眠り)
KinZo 20220123

People are sleeping 5747/人物往来(眠る_1)
KinZo 20220118

Babies 5746/赤ちゃんたち
KinZo 5746 20220129

Three blue flowers 5744/青い花(勿忘草、リンドウ、ポピー)
KinZo 5744 20220129

Gossiping 5735/うわさ話
KinZo 5735 20220203

Nine pose of the rabbit doll 5733/ぬいぐるみうさぎ「うさ子」9ポーズ
Nine pose of the rabbit doll 5733/ぬいぐるみうさぎ「うさ子」9ポーズ