

Humanity Vs Social Worker

2021-06-10 21:55:33 | 旅行

earth is home for all, here every animal lives with its desire. When any animal dominates others and tries to finish it then every time mother nature stood up and turned the rules of earth, ie reset it. 

we so-called humans, better than any other animal, active and mentally stronger than other animals, always fight for humanity. Are we playing the role of humans and saving humanity, i have seen many situations and involved in many organizations, have met vvvi persons to very poor persons but 98% of them are humans without humanity.

today I ask myself, what does humanity mean?

after being a social worker I find very few persons are only are social workers.

I ask myself, who are social workers?

we have nowadays a new type of humanity ie killing humans, saving other animals except humans, and saying that we are human and humanity is alive and we saved many animals after killing much more humans.

Similarly, we have a new type of social worker, not in all cases but 98% of cases are similar, destroying socialism and saying we are social worker, cheating people, government, and many organizations and saying I am a social worker. 

due to these types of people, I am so confused that what type of should I keep in relation with.

what type of people should i say these are the best people for my child.


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