nokoruimonoyama sings Desire in the style of 中森明菜 on Red Karaoke…
— CLAPgakuen in MAX (@CLAPgakuen) 2018年3月1日 - 11:40
Carissimi de #LeIene, qualche volta, solo qualche volta, fate un servizio anche sui tanti, tantissimi preti che in……
— don Tonio (@donTonio66) 2018年3月1日 - 06:57
Well the #DahliaDay at @BlueMtnsBG is turning into Dahlia all summer long. These are just a few of the hundreds of……
— Jimmy Turner (@TexanInOz) 2018年3月1日 - 06:17
You're beautiful. Your Soul is an ineffable ball of love & light so pure & stunning, it is breathtaking.
— Kylie Riordan ☮ ❤ (@mindfulheal) 2018年3月1日 - 05:42
If someo……
330 lbs of Acorns
— Tom Hall ☘ (@TomHall) 2018年3月1日 - 00:14
stored in a Cell Tower
by Woodpeckers.
🥜 🐦 🥜 🐦 🥜 🐦 🥜
Mercury, Venus and Saturn above the pyramids of Giza, Egypt. This occurs once every 2373 years.
— Mesmerizing Views (@MesmerizngViews) 2018年3月1日 - 06:18
Be selective in your battles. Sometimes peace is better than being right.
— Life Quotes (@liife_quote) 2018年3月1日 - 11:12
5 Things to do to become Happier
— Dr. Mark Rowe 🇮🇪 (@DrMarkRowe) 2018年3月1日 - 00:20
1. Express gratitude for what you have.
2. Practice Forgiveness
3. Spend more tim……
The difference between managers and leaders:
— Spiritual Boost (@spiritualboost1) 2018年3月1日 - 11:42
Management and leadership complement each other, but they are separate……