Boat Traffic in Amsterdam ⛵️⛴❤️
— Erin Mooney 🌎 (@erinemooney) 2018年2月2日 - 10:47
A little to the left...
— Tom Hall ☘ (@TomHall) 2018年2月2日 - 00:57
Have a Great Thursday!
🐨 🖐 🐨 🖐 🐨 🖐 🐨
#Koala #ThursdayThoughts
There's no better feeling than going to bed at night and not having to set your alarm clock for the next morning.
— Life Quotes (@liife_quote) 2018年2月1日 - 22:03
If you want to know what will happen in the future, look at what your mind is doing now.
— Dalai Lama (@DaIaiIamaa) 2018年2月2日 - 12:39
If there’s a #book u really want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then u must write it.
— Novelicious (@noveliciouss) 2018年2月2日 - 11:38
Toni #Morrison……
— King of Kings (@charliejob38) 2018年2月2日 - 01:08