
A memorandum of a doctor

oral floor

2011-01-10 | head and neck
Extrinsic muscles of tongue
  genioglossus muscle (GG, オトガイ舌筋)
  hyoglossus muscle (HG, 舌骨舌筋)
  styloglossus muscle (SG, 茎突舌筋)
  palatoglossus muscle (PG. 口蓋舌筋)
Other two major oral floor muscles
  mylohyoid muscle (顎舌骨筋)
  anterior belly of digastric muscle (顎二腹筋前腹)
Intrinsic muscles of tongue(not shown)
  uperior longitudinal muscle (UL, 上縦舌筋)
  inferior longitudinal muscle (IL, 下縦舌筋)
  vertical muscle (VM, 垂直舌筋)
  transverse muscles (TM, 横舌筋)

oral floor coronal

oral floor axial
