Drzewo życia [części: eNozsjJkhIPUZENDA6NkM98i47LIYPMC7xJHJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAAG2gjH]If we looked at nature from a broader perspective, that is, did not take it for granted, but discovered the miracle it is, we would notice such wonders as ... trees. See for yourself: great, enormous trees that are deeply rooted in the earth and with their crowns reaching the sky. These miracles, however obvious, are proof that nature is a perfectly oiled machine, something that is thought through in every detail, a perfect circle of life. No wonder then that a large, outspread tree full of green leaves, with a thick limb and lush roots has become a multidimensional symbol, the so-called tree of life. The tree is an almost sacred symbol that can be an amulet in both religious and spiritual philosophy. The symbolism of the Tree of Life has a long history that transcends many cultures. Nevertheless, this wonderful symbol has many meanings that are shared by people in all corners of the world.
Wienhausen [części: eNozsjJkhIPUZENDA6Nks5Bk74CMHMeo3IxAJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAALkAjz]
Konie w Eicklingen [części: eNozsjJkhIPUZENDA6Nks1T34ohKo0x3t9J8JjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAAOLQkI]
Farma wiatrowa w Eicklingen [części: eNozsjJkhIPUZENDA6NkM4P4NB8P5 / iU8LByJjMTAyZjMwMmAyYEcHBwAAAEdwi /]