ぱくぱくるんるんぱくぱくるんるん 海外ドラマ & 日々雑記 


How to order the 40th birthday book of Yong Ha.and others.

2017-08-08 23:33:34 | パク・ヨンハ
Posted August 13, 2017
The 40th birthday book of Yong Ha's order is over. However, we can still buy other products. Please click on the item on the left side of SFJ 's shop page and wish to buy it the same way as you ordered the 40th birthday book of Yong Ha.I will leave this page.

the 40th birthday book of Yong Haの注文は終わりました。しかし、他の商品はまだ買えます。買いたい人はSFJのshopのページの左側の項目をクリックして、 the 40th birthday book of Yong Haを注文したのと同じ方法で行ってください。このページは残しておきます。


↓Posted August 08, 2017

2017年8月11日(金)23:59まで 日本時間なので、日本と時差のある国の方は気を付けてください。

【Application deadline】
Friday, August 11, 2017 until 23: 59 
Because it is Japan time, please be careful for countries with time differences with Japan.

How to order the 40th birthday book of Yong Ha.(=photo albums)

Hi! I am pakupakurunnrunn.(ぱくぱくるんるん)
Thank you for sending me an email. Miss A.
I sent you a questionnaire email asking which country you live in, but I have not heard back from you.

Please read the instructions on the site on how to order photo albums, so please try ordering.

I will wait for your contact.Thank you.



I received a question mail from people in English speaking countries. How do you buy Pakuyonha's 40th anniversary photo collection? So I told you that there is a service called transfer com when sending question e-mail to SFJ to overseas delivery. And I wrote this article to tell you how.
Using Transfer com = Using tenso.com is one suggestion.
Even if delay, damage, or non-delivery of the ordered item occurs, I can not take responsibility for this blog.
I can not compensate.
Please do not hesitate to in that regard.

Please carefully enter necessary information correctly after carefully reading the usage guidance of tenso.com site and SFJ site.
Please order at your own risk.


You will be given a temporary address in Japan from tenso.com. Of course you will also inform tenso.com for the address you actually live right now.
Using the temporary address in Japan you got from tenso.com you will order the 40th birthday book of Yong Ha with SFJ. Tenso.com will deliver the 40th birthday book of Yong Ha to you.

This is useless, but shipping charges to foreign countries are expensive. I will let you know once.

There is a button to select a language in the upper right corner of the site.


商品説明 写真集 THE 2ND  =(the 40th birthday book of Yong Ha.(=photo albums))

2009年、パリと東京にて撮影された『日本デビュー5周年記念写真集「GIFT」』を、パク・ヨンハ生誕40周年を迎えるにあたり、『THE 2ND GIFT』として再編集!


In 2009, we re-edited "The 2nd Gift" commemorating the 40th anniversary of Park Yong Ha, "5th Anniversary Photo Album" GIFT "taken at Paris and Tokyo!

Hardcover Western bookbinding / 192 pages in total (planned)


※先行販売限定特典は、2017年8月11日(金)23:59までにオンラインショップで購入された方、または8月開催「2017パク・ヨンハ生誕40th Anniversary~THE 2ND GIFT」イベント会場にて購入された方のみの限定特典です。イベント終了後の販売(予定)では先行販売限定特典は付きませんのでご注意ください。



※他の商品とまとめてご注文いただいた場合、『THE 2ND GIFT』の入荷に合わせ、8月28日(月)以降の発送となります。



 I will explain how to order at SFJ's site using a copy of the site.
My English explanation in blue letters, red letters and greens is my explanation.

SFJ top

for details

Put the items in the cart.

If you go to the explanation screen please try putting it in the cart again.
You can translate explanation screen by right click.

First time

Items are required to enter.
You register customer information in SFJ.
Please entwe your e-mail adress.twice.Please do not copy & paste for the second e-mail input.

When this screen comes out, order receipt is completed.

Thank you for your hard work.

Well then from now on the order of the 40th birthday book of Yong Ha.

You will move to SFJ's site.

Please click the site address of SFJ.

I pray for you so that your order will be successfully completed and the photo album will arrive


On the amazon site, bing translation could not be done by right-clicking on my PC.



 ↓ you can buy by amazon.
 ↓another photo albums

amazon アマゾン


 ↓ Selling before

Yong Ha 大好き。

YongHa もっと大好き。

パク・ヨンハ 一緒旅

    ↓click here
Search inside amazon at Yong-Ha

I pray for you so that your order will be successfully completed and the photo album will arrive


