

H.S Anderson BB1

2012-05-03 09:36:16 | Bass関係

H.S Anderson BB1


No, of strings / Fret : 4 / 20
Neck : Maple
Fret board : Ebony
Fret board radius : 15inch (381mm)
Body : White ash
Body Color / Finish : Dark brown  / Oil finish
Neck Joint : Set neck
Scale length : 32.44inch / 824mm
Nut / 12F width : 40.0mm / 53.0mm
Nut type : Ebony
Bridge type : Original  adjustable bridge
Number of pickup : 2
Pickup front : Deamond design type
Pickup center : None :
Pickup rear : Deamond design type
Circuit : Passive pickup + Passive circuit
Control : 2V + 1T
Additional control : None
Tremolo : None
Weight : 5.3kg
Price : JPN170,000/YEN

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3 コメント

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Unknown (Bob Scherer)
2013-02-23 01:18:15
I've had this Bass since I was in high school in the early 70's. I bought it at Sam Ash in New York. I still have it and it still sounds Great! Do you have any info on it's history/worth? Mine is just as road worn...I also had it signed by Jack Casady back in the 90's. I live in Florida now.Regards
Thank you for your comment (chris Y)
2012-08-19 17:15:40
Thank you for your comment.

I could not buy this bass when I started to play bass.
Because it was not cheep and avelable only in the brochure.
I found this in the auction then get it in this year.
It already psat nearly 30 years.
Unknown (Richard McCabe)
2012-08-16 09:58:37
I have one of these. I bought it in 1978 and have been playing it ever since :)

