クリスマス 1956(Christmas 1956)

クリスマスソング 特集 毎年購入しているCHRISTMAS SONGS CD (3000枚)を楽しみながら投稿してます

スウィンガーヘッド(スウィング・ロック系男性ヴォーカル) 1999年 ★★★(YouTube)

2020年04月07日 | ROCK Male Vocals Xmas
Michael Andrew And Swingerhead
A Swingerhead Christmas
Ma Records

01. Intro
02. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
03. 'Twas The Night Before Christmas
04. We Three Kings
05. The Christmas Song
06. I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas
07. Mistletoe Mambo
08. The Christmas Waltz
09. You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch
10. Winter Wonderland ( Cha Cha Cha)
11. I'll be home for Christmas (Part One)
12. I'll be home for Christmas (Part Two)
13. Christmas Day, My Favorite Day
14. The Little Drummer Boy
15. The Christmas Waltz (Revisited)
16. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas




(Michael Andrew And Swingerhead) Merry Christmas Baby, I Love You

(Michael Andrew And Swingerhead) Mistletoe Mambo & Holiday Cheer


(Michael Andrew And Swingerhead) Pick up The phone

(Michael Andrew And Swingerhead) Swing Out

(Michael Andrew And Swingerhead) At The Strip

(Michael Andrew And Swingerhead) I've Got You Under My Skin

(Michael Andrew And Swingerhead) The Lady Is a Tramp

(Michael Andrew) FLY ME TO THE MOON

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Unknown (Scott)
2020-07-22 21:06:54
Hi, I've been checking out your blog to help me find albums to get. I've been collecting Christmas music for over 20 years but have recently been collecting a lot of Japanese Christmas music. You've helped me find some great albums, especially Compilations.

As far as "A Swingerhead Christmas" goes, I bought the CD when it came out. It's one of my favorite albums. I have thousands of Christmas albums but I always make sure to listen to this one all the way through each year. I had been listening to Swingerhead's other music for a year or two and I actually received an email from Michael Andrew at one point. Swingerhead is no longer around but I believe Michael Andrew still does a Christmas concert in Florida each year.


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