クリスマス 1956(Christmas 1956)

クリスマスソング 特集 毎年購入しているCHRISTMAS SONGS CD (3000枚)を楽しみながら投稿してます

モジョ・ニクソン(ロック系男性ヴォーカル) 1992年 ★★★(YouTube)

2023年06月09日 | ROCK Male Vocals Xmas
Mojo Nixon And The Toad Liquors
Horny Holidays
Triple X Records

01. Happy Birthday
02. Trim Yo' Tree
03. Good King Wenceslas
04. Mr. Grinch
05. Head Crushing Yuletide Sing-A-Long
06. It's Christmas Time
07. Jingle Bells
08. Boogie Woogie Santa Claus
09. Santa Claus Go Straight To The Ghetto
10. Run Rudolph Run
11. We Three Kings
12. Everyday Will Be A Holiday
13. Sleigh Ride
14. Little Man Song
15. Go Tell It On A Mountain
16. Twas The Night Before Christma




01. Happy Birthday

02. Trim Yo' Tree

03. Good King Wenceslas

04. Mr. Grinch

05. Head Crushing Yuletide Sing-A-Long

06. It's Christmas Time

07. Jingle Bells

08. Boogie Woogie Santa Claus

09. Santa Claus Go Straight To The Ghetto

10. Run Rudolph Run

11. We Three Kings

12. Everyday Will Be A Holiday

13. Sleigh Ride

14. Little Man Song

15. Go Tell It On A Mountain

16. Twas The Night Before Christma

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Unknown (Scott)
2020-07-22 21:14:39
I like Mojo, but he's not for everyone. This is another of my favorite albums. His version of "Mr. Grinch" is one of my favorites. I forget who it was, but there is a female vocalist who copied his style and arrangement on her version of the song. He has a few other Christmas songs. One of the better ones is "Christmas Christmas," which is to the tune of "Louie Louie." I believe that's only on YouTube.

Mojo had a few hits on MTV in the 1980s. He hosted a radio talk show in Cincinnati back in the 1990s. I talked to him a couple times and was able to tell him how much I like this album.


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