

What equipment is used to process stone yard leftovers into stones and sand?

2020-12-03 17:11:17 | Material sand making


1.使用什么 设备将剩余的材料加工成石头和沙子?



堆石场剩料多为脆性物料,重型锤式破碎机是一种新型破碎设备,主要用于抗压强度小于200 MPa的物料,其主要特点是可以实现“一次成型”,设备进料口大,尺寸小于1000mm,排料口薄,可直接生产各种规格的成品,一台设备具有粗碎,中碎,制砂等多种功能,可以为用户减少40%以上的设备成本。


反击式破碎机也是加工碎屑的理想选择,通常用于二次破碎,加工碎屑的进料口足够大,可以直接代替粗碎和中碎。转子和破碎腔用于不同的应用场合,可破碎抗压强度低于350 MPa的物料,冲击板和锤子之间的间隙可自动调节排放量,最终产品具有良好的颗粒感形状和高度有序。













What are the machine-made sand equipment that produces 500 tons/hour?

2020-11-28 10:14:09 | Material sand making

There are also differences in the output value of the stone produced by the machine-made sand equipment of different specifications and the size and type of the finished product. The machine-made sand equipment that produces 500 tons/hour mainly includes five types: jaw crusher, counter-attack crusher, sand making machine, cone crusher, sand washing machine, and mobile crusher. To form a complete machine-made sand production line, it needs to be based on your specific The production conditions are used to select the equipment type and determine the production plan.

Generally speaking, the price of a complete set of equipment for the production of 500 tons will be around 1.5-2.3 million. The mobile crushing opportunity is higher than that of other types of machine-made sand equipment, but its comprehensive performance is stronger and the payback is faster.

Several sets of common machine-made sand equipment configuration schemes that produce 500 tons/hour

Fixed type:

1. Jaw crushing + counter-attack crushing (cone crushing) + screening machine; (anti-attack crushing for soft materials, cone crushing for hard materials)

2. Heavy hammer crushing + screening machine. (One-time crushing and forming, coarser discharge)

3. Jaw breaking + counterattack breaking + screening machine + sand making machine (composite breaking) + sieving machine + sand washing machine (composite breaking has no grate strips, the sand making machine discharges more delicately, the grain size is more uniform, but the price of composite breaking cheaper)


1. Mobile jaw crusher + mobile counterattack crusher (mobile cone crusher + mobile screening machine).

2. Move the heavy hammer to break. (Including feeding, crushing, screening and other functions)

How much is the machine-made sand equipment for producing 500 tons/hour?

The machine-made sand equipment of 500 tons/hour has different models and specifications, and the quotations are also different. Generally speaking, DVI models are more expensive than VSI sand making machines, and cone crushers are also more expensive than counter-attack and composite crushers. Dongmeng Machinery’s existing models of machine-made sand equipment are very diverse. If you want to know the specific quotation list of machine-made sand equipment, you can consult customer service or leave a message to briefly explain your needs, and there will be technicians to tailor the type for you. Quotation, quotation has more reference value.