3 コメント コメント日が 古い順 | 新しい順 How are you? (stranger) 2011-08-19 23:11:05 Where's Ubin island? It's so beautiful! 返信する > stranger san (dar-pitt) 2011-08-20 22:11:40 I'm fine, thank you (^-^)Ubin island is small island, it takes 10min by small boat from Changi Point ferry terminal in Singapore main island.http://maps.google.co.jp/maps?q=1.408168,103.962765&hl=ja&ll=1.406109,103.961906&spn=0.053027,0.090723&sll=1.335502,103.891173&sspn=0.132498,0.227011&num=1&vpsrc=0&brcurrent=3,0x0:0x0,0&z=14There is only “nature”, but it should be good time because everywhere in Singapore is “City”. 返信する Unknown (stranger) 2011-08-21 22:00:34 Yeah I can't believe it's in somewhere in the big city of Singapore. You are lucky to find such a paradise. 返信する 規約違反等の連絡
Ubin island is small island, it takes 10min by small boat from Changi Point ferry terminal in Singapore main island.
There is only “nature”, but it should be good time because everywhere in Singapore is “City”.