


2025-03-12 09:40:42 | Adult
I shot my first scene with an inexperienced AV actress, filmed by some new friends who work in the industry. After making friends with a nice Japanese guy at a bar, I found out he was working as an AV actor. I didn't believe him, so he invited me to meet some AV filmmakers on Sunday. They took me to a very nice hotel room in Umeda, so I could watch them film, as they wanted to impress me. In the end, they let me film a short scene with a new AV actress and helped me practice my facial. They uploaded the edited video clip and said it was OK to post it since her face wasn't clearly visible.

It's a bit of a stretch to call her an AV actress. She was a newly recruited "underground idol." She was very young (around 20 or 21 years old) but said she had worked as a soapland girl and a private escort.

I was a bar manager and the guy I met at the bar was more of a legitimate porn production assistant/actor of some kind, I took him under my wing, gave him a few free shots, told him about my experiences and preferences, and eventually showed him some sex videos and pictures.

Apparently, they often film at the Umeda hotel in several adjacent suites. He speaks good English and complimented me to the crew during prep. I thought I was just watching the scene, but the girl kept smiling at me. The director said something to her in Japanese after the shoot was over, and then came over to me and my friend. The director asked my friend to take a shower and ask if she could join the next scene.

The girl went into the shower with me to make sure my penis was working and looking good. She lathered me up and tugged on my penis, it got hard instantly. She washed me off, toweled me off and carried me to the couch in the living room.

 She smiled as she stroked my erect penis and waited for the director to yell "Yes!" (Japanese for quiet on set) and then said "Ready, set, go!" and we shot the POV blowjob scene. A few minutes later I ejaculated into her mouth and when the scene was over she said "It's a pleasure meeting you!"

They were going to use my video as a bonus feature but decided to cut it, so a friend of mine sent me the edited version. I think the girl's nickname in AV was "Kanade."


2024-12-22 12:10:23 | Adult

土曜日の夜、私はバーでの勤務が始まる前に、大阪で長年の友人と会って少し飲みました。彼女と私は、最近彼女が彼氏と真剣に付き合い始めるまで、何年もの間、断続的にセックスをしていました。  それはいいけど、私たちの相性は否定できない。彼女は私をバーまで追いかけてきて、私は新しい女性スタッフと一緒にシフトを始めました。私のこの特定の女性の友人は、私が彼女に十分な注意を払わないと我慢できず、特に彼女の前で私が他の女性に注意を向けると、少し独占欲が強くなり、嫉妬深くなります。   私は新しいスタッフと戯れ、触れ合っていましたが、それはお互いの気持ちでした。しかししばらくすると、私の元恋人は私をバーの裏の見えない場所に連れて行き、イチャイチャし始めました。彼女の体が私に押し付けられ、私は彼女の激しい愛情から得られる興奮を間違いなく懐かしく思っていた。結局、閉店時間にバーに残ったのは私たち二人だけになり、彼女はバーの冷蔵庫に座り、キスをしながら私の上にまたがり、私は自分が硬くなるのを感じました。彼女はそれをつかんで冷蔵庫から滑り降り、ショーツ、タイツ、パンティーを下ろした。そして私はベルトを外し、ジーンズを脱ぎ、彼女の体を冷蔵庫の上に持ち上げ、ゆっくりと彼女の中に滑り込みました。私たちはそのまま、口と口を合わせて、お互いの目を見ながらセックスをしました。彼女は私の手を掴んで首に回し、首を絞めて少し叩いて欲しいと言いました。私がそうすると彼女はとても興奮しました。私たちは二人ともこの体位でイッてしまいました。   

彼女はオーガズムに達し、私のオーガズムが近づいているのを感じて膝をついて、口の中でオーガズムに達するように私に言いました。 それは素晴らしかった。私はバーを片付けて必要なものをすべて閉めた後、冷たい朝の光の中で別れる前に、バーでほぼ1時間彼女を味わいました。


2024-11-22 09:04:59 | Adult

It's been a while since my last blog post. Lately I've been looking at dating and fetish dating apps and have had some success with a few recently. My most recent success was with a Master and Slave/Dom and Sub fetish app. This young woman in her 20s was posting about getting into an intense physical relationship with a new man and running to start dating, but my direct messages had her really psyched for me. In particular, she really wants to be my slave and is trying to maintain eye contact while I'm choking her, slapping her body, and making a mess of her. Apparently she's been thinking about it all day and you're going to be making plans to start a Dominant-Slave relationship soon. I'll keep you posted.


2024-07-02 03:07:58 | Adult

Last Tuesday night I met a beautiful German tourist girl who came to my karaoke bar after a foodie tour of Osaka. She entered with a large group, a couple and two single guys, all British. The English guy aggressively bought her drinks and started flirting with her so I assumed they were dating, but I noticed she kept staring at me throughout the night. The first thing I noticed was that she smiled at me through every song.   

The next thing I noticed were her smooth legs in shorts and her big breasts. I continued to flirt with her, making her laugh and making the guys sitting next to her a little jealous. And eventually, seeing how much she liked me, they overcorrected and tried too hard. She hadn't had any drinks and was staying clear, so I asked for her Instagram and added her immediately. Two boys were singing a few feet away and she leaned over the bar counter and said to me, "I think you're really handsome!"

After a while, I remembered that I didn't allow push notifications from Instagram, so I checked my Instagram messages and quickly replied, "I think you're really cute too!" This move was a smooth way to flirt without seeming too eager. After a while, the bar got pretty crowded, and I paid more attention to her than anyone else, making sure to make more eye contact when singing. 

After some time passed, I remembered to check my messages on Instagram again. I checked it in front of her and smiled at her new message. "I'm super interested in kissing you." I typed it out and sent a reply message, then looked up and saw her staring. I said, "I just replied to your message. I'm super interested. Let's kiss!"

As this exchange went on, a smaller group of patrons arrived and sat at one end of the bar. I decided to sit in the empty seat next to her at the opposite end from the other people. I love karaoke bars because they're usually so loud and people are so drunk that you can walk away for a few seconds and no one will notice. I pulled her chair closer to mine, her smooth legs stretched over mine, she slid into my lap, and we began to kiss deeply for a few minutes. Without warning, she bit my lip and I bit hers back.  


I knew this was going to happen so I quickly got up and announced "last call" and told her I was closing soon. She stayed after I closed the bar and packed up. We hopped in a cab and made out and kissed in the back of the cab until we got to a convenience store near the nearest train station.  


You went inside to get a drink and I walked her home. When I opened the door and she came in I simply mentioned that I had a roommate. I pointed to the bathroom at the bottom of the stairs and walked her upstairs to my room. We started kissing as we undressed, leaving the light on the whole time. I was surprised that she wasn't as fat as she was when she was dressed.  


She was petite with a little round belly and big breasts that were perfect and her little plump ass felt good in my hands as I picked her up. I lay on my back and stopped rubbing against her hard cock and reached between her legs to play with my balls. It felt good as she got my cock hard in no time and asked if I had a condom.

"Of course I have condoms," I said, pulling out a pack of three condoms. She took one and after a few minutes of blowjob she said breathlessly, "Oh, I can't wait for you to fuck me!"

She removed the condom from my penis and lay down and I inserted it slowly and gradually while kissing her. She moaned and I felt her getting wet so I fucked her hard until she said "I'm cumming!"


I decided to lick her pussy for a while. The first thing I noticed was that she had a completely different taste than Japanese women. She had been walking around all day and was sweating in the humidity, which is not good for summer. I enjoyed her strong taste and scent more than I expected.   


I felt her grab the back of my head, press her cunt against my tongue and say "I'm cumming!" again. Then I heard my roommate stand up and walk past my room, clearing her throat, down the stairs. I flipped her over and began to fuck her from behind. She had skinny legs but a thick ass and it felt so good to hold her and watch as our bodies slammed together.


As I felt her vagina pushing into me and her moans getting more intense, I finally ejaculated into the condom and left it on as we lay next to each other, sweating.

She got up several times that morning to go to the bathroom and one time when she came back and found my penis hard she started sucking it until I woke up and came in her mouth, at which point I noticed my roommate walking past my door again on his way to shower before work and he definitely heard my sucking and loud noises.



Eventually we both fell asleep again, but construction crews were working just outside our house so we had to open it again. It was too noisy for her to sleep comfortably in my room so she got up and left. We chatted for a bit, she got dressed again, we cuddled, and we made plans to have dinner together before leaving Japan in a few days.  


But she was very tired from the morning and from construction and slept all day so I missed the chance to meet her again before she went home. I made sure I could cum again, this time using my fingers, before she left. She was waiting for her roommate to leave for work so we could leave afterwards so we were killing time. 

Gradually realizing that we would probably never meet again, I remembered to check my Instagram messages the next day. Her message was simple and sweet: "You are such an amazing person and I am so glad we met." I calmly replied: "I am so glad. Thank you, Loxx. You are an amazing person and super cool. I hope to see you again soon."


Most one-night stands don't end cleanly with those feelings, but we made it work. For me, a one-night stand is successful only if she cums at least twice as much as I do. I wonder if this will happen more often when there are more tourists. Maybe she was married and didn't want me to know. Maybe she just wanted to have a good time on vacation and felt connected to me. Either way, I'm going to keep trying Instagram messaging with the next girl.