当時のFRB議長 マリナー・S・エックルズは
Mr. Patman: "How did you get the money to buy those $2 billion of Government securities?"
Mr. Eccles: "We created it."
Mr. Patman: "Out of what?"
Mr. Eccles: "Out of the right to issue money, credit."
Mr. Patman: "And there is nothing behind it, except the Government's credit?"
Mr. Eccles: "We have the Government bonds."
Mr. Patman: "That's right, the Government's credit."
Mr. Patman: "You have made the statement that people should get out of debt instead of spending their money. You recall the statement, I presume?"
Mr. Eccles: "That was in connection with installment credit."
Mr. Patman: "Do you believe that people should pay their debts generally when they can?"
Mr. Eccles: "I think it depends a good deal upon the individual; but of course, if there were no debt in our money system..."
Mr. Patman: "That is the point I wanted to ask you about."
Mr. Eccles: "There wouldn’t be any money."
Mr. Patman: "Suppose everybody paid their debts, would we have any money to do business on?"
Mr. Eccles: "That is correct."
Mr. Patman: "In other words, our system is based entirely on debt."(言い換えれば、我々の通貨システムは全て債務によるもの、ということですね。)