


2012-12-01 03:14:33 | 脱原発

When only one nuclear power plant of Japan causes accident, 50 nuclear power plants of Japan may be thrown away.World is destroyed by them!

When only one nuclear power plant of Japan causes accident, 50 nuclear power plants of Japan may be thrown away pic.twitter.com/LVTVgLbk

Watch, meeting to observe the International Day of #Solidarity with the #Palestinian People: bit.ly/V5UmXi

でじたるコミックさんがリツイート | 10 RT

始まった!東電のフクシマ切り離し、フクシマ化!逃げ出せない弱者と、放射能に高をくくり既得権にしがみつく傲慢・強欲・田舎ッぺ共を閉じ込めて封印。 ★東電、福島復興本社をJヴィレッジに TBS headlines.yahoo.co.jp/videonews/jnn?… #iwakamiyasumi5

フクシマの絆の正体がこれっ!! 福島県は恐ろしい。被災を楯に、隠れ蓑に、やっている事は放射能被害に高をくくり、県存続や経済的利益の為に県民を汚染地に閉じ込める画策だ。経済的・精神的に逃げ出せない弱者が犠牲になる。  @yamamototaro0

1 件 リツイートされました

<拡散希望>12/1【討論集会】ここが問題-原子力規制委員会 -再稼働ありき?断層調査/防災指針/新安全基準の議論の行方-井野博満さんを迎えての討論集会にご参加ください! hinan-kenri.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/11/1…

でじたるコミックさんがリツイート | 27 RT

If only one nuclear power plant of Japan causes an accident, 50 nuclear power plants of Japan may be thrown away.World is destroyed by them!

There are nuclear power plants of Japan on active faults. So they are very dangerous ! If you don't stop them, world is destroyed by them.

If only one nuclear power plant of Japan causes an accident, 50 nuclear power plants of Japan may be thrown away pic.twitter.com/06XedFpp

Japan destroy the world by nuclear power plants of Japan, because nuclear power plants of Japan are on active faults! Please stop them!

