?僕たちも声をあげよう?@FIFI_Egypt #反戦 #反核 #平和 ?ロンドンのイスラエル大使館前でイスラエルによるパレスチナのガザ地区攻撃への抗議デモ。(写真) RT @khalidkhan787 yfrog.com/jx2gqwj
The US, Britain, Germany, don't disturb an immediate ceasefire! ガザ空爆で死者108人 ロシアの即時停戦決議案を、合衆国、英国、ドイツが妨害! テレビ朝日headlines.yahoo.co.jp/videonews/ann?… #Gaza
Indiscriminate Bombings is Genocide! Don't disturb an Immediate Ceasefire! ★ガザ空爆続く、死者100人超 日本TV headlines.yahoo.co.jp/videonews/nnn?… #Gaza #iwakamiyasumi
Indiscriminate Bombings is Genocide! Don't disturb Immediate Ceasefire! #GazaUnderAttack #Gaza @impalestinian wp.me/p16sn9-toG @occpal
During last 6 days of aggression on #Gaza: 121 killed, 900 injured, 1643 shells fired, 840 houses targeted.twitpic.com/bevfpw
ノーベル平和賞候補にもなった医学博士の警告。RT @hamemen: 会見後、博士は「東京に住んでいたらどうするか?」と問われ「もし妊娠中だったり、小さな子どもがいたとしたら移住するだろう」と回答。RT @ourplanettv: 動画 ow.ly/fr72n
BREAKING: Hamas and Islamic jihad leaders will hold a press conference tonight in Cairo to announce a ceasefire deal brokered by Egypt.
Indiscriminate Bombings is Genocide! Don't disturb an Immediate Ceasefire!
Provocation for Over-Aggressiveness is Evil Doings. So, please ignore such a provocation.
Provocation for Over-Aggressiveness is Evil Doings. So, please ignore such a Provocation. #Gaza
千葉も夜間は寒くなってまいりました!無理なさらずに、しっかり治してくださいね♪ @soundmanlive123 @zou3751
Indiscriminate Bombings is Genocide! Don't disturb an Immediate Ceasefire! #Gaza
blog.thejerusalemfund.org/2012/11/inbala… Difference between Israeli military and Gaza resistance.
"These are not the first children to have died... they will not be the last"- @UNRWA Director, visits #Gaza hospital :bit.ly/QWhBYf
How many body do you need in order to stop this Genocide ?! Indiscriminate Bombings is Genocide! #Gaza #iwakamiyasumi5 @UNwebcast
【拡散希望!無差別爆撃は虐殺!即時停戦を邪魔するヤツラには徹底抗議しよう!】 国連webTV @UNwebcast @UNRWA Director, visits #Gaza hospital :bit.ly/QWhBYf #iwakamiyasumi5
Indiscriminate Bombings is Genocide! Don't disturb an Immediate Ceasefire! #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack #iwakamiyasumi5 #iwakamiyasumi2 #脱原発 #被曝
Attack on journalists marks new stage of #Israel assault on #Gaza wp.me/p16sn9-tcU
人の命より、企業の収益。薬害エイズと同じ。 1つのホールに駆動する箱は1つだから、開閉を察知するセンサーを扉へ取り付けて、電波飛ばしてモーターの駆動を電源のオン・オフで制御するマイコンを組み込むとかできないのかな? @kogashigeaki
4 myths about the Israeli attack on #Gaza paminprogress.tumblr.com/post/361339216…
#GazaUnderAttack #Gaza Gaza blockade by Israel is the Auschwitz of the 21st century. @UNwebcast
Indiscriminate Bombings is Genocide! Don't disturb an Immediate Ceasefire! #GazaUnderAttack #Gaza @UNwebcast
フライヤーとポスターの現物は何処に掲載されてますか? ★脱原発「あなたの選択」プロジェクト coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?page_id=1855