It is a 20-minute walk from Taisho Station, and a 2-minute walk from Eirakubashi Station by bus. There is parking in the neighborhood. The place is on the south side of Izumio intersection where National Route 43 and Taisho-dori intersect.

I asked the various people about their great pork cutlet thickness and their reputation for being delicious and delicious for free.

On this day, I ordered 900 yen for Tonkatsu set meal. I waited about 15 minutes for the cutlet to be fried twice with a special oil. When eating, the clerk told me that olive oil and salt were recommended in addition to the homemade sauce.
お味ですが、大正駅から国道沿いに20分歩いても後悔しない量と美味しさでベリーグッドでした👍✨✨✨ 塩、オリーブオイルで食べてもベリーグッド👍👍✨✨
Although it is a taste, it was very good with the amount and deliciousness that you wouldn't regret even if you walk along the national highway for 20 minutes from Taisho station.
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The shop is open only on Wednesdays and on other days from 11:30 to 15:30 only for 4 hours.
他のお客の注文を見て気になったのは特大アジ定食です。なにやら地方から取り寄せているアジのようで次はそれを食べたいと考えてます。また伺いたいです。ご馳走さまでした。 📍永楽橋駅、JR大正駅🥢 「とと、とん」 〜¥900〜
I was interested in seeing orders from other customers for the oversized horse mackerel set meal. It looks like a horse mackerel ordered from the region, and I want to eat it next time. I would like to ask you again. It was a feast. Toei Eirakubashi Station, JR Taisho Station 🥢 "Tototon" ~ ¥ 900 ~