

Hong Kong Revolution: Freedom of Religion Is the Starting Point of Everything

2019-09-28 21:48:04 | Happy Science



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 Hong Kong Revolution: Freedom of Religion Is the Starting Point of Everything  

2019/09/28 に公開

"Firstly, the freedom of religion, or the freedom of believing in a particular religion, has been established. And this freedom is not limited to only one’s inner consciousness, but is accompanied by the freedom of declaring one’s faith. The purpose of this is to not be persecuted from declaring to believe in God, or belonging to a religion. This freedom was acknowledged under the Anglo-American Law.
In truth, the freedom of speech was a result of the freedom of the declaration of belief. Priority was given for the freedom of the declaration of belief. It is because to have faith in Buddha or God in the old age was the most basic element in human rights."

 政治評論部門で1位を目指します!真の保守ブログとして!! 現在にほんブログ村の政治評論部門で4位です!! (OUTポイント順で1位 INポイント順で4位です☆)

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