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Hong Kong Revolution: Spread Taiwan's Democracy
"Taiwan’s culture is clearly different from that of the PRC. A different civilization exists here.
Ms. Tsai Ing-Wen is cautiously avoiding the use of the word “independence” in order to avoid Beijing’s hard-lining diplomacy and unfavorable treatment against Taiwan. She has been choosing her words and speaking abstractly for this reason.
But there is no need to fight for your independence. Your country has continued to grow as its own independent nation and is a country of its own.
What I ask you to do is spread throughout the PRC the Taiwanese prosperity and development, your principles of democracy, freedom, and capitalism, and your spirit of cherishing religious faith, for this will bring happiness to many people there.
The people of Hong Kong are suffering terribly right now, and I would like to find some way to help them.
Please choose political systems that will bring people happiness, not suffering. I clearly want to say that the people of a nation hold the responsibility, duty, and the right to create and construct such systems."
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