

Immortal Hero - Official Trailer  HS International     

2019-10-01 20:41:23 | Happy Science


クリックよろしくお願いします! にほんブログ村 政治ブログ 政治評論へ にほんブログ村

 Immortal Hero - Official Trailer

HS International

2019/09/23 に公開

Immortal Hero is coming to North America on October 18th! Japanese spiritual and inspiring film will be coming to theaters near you in this fall...!
"Based on the true story of a man whose near death experience inspires him to choose life... and change the lives of millions."
For more information, visit www.immortal-hero.com!!


Immortal Hero  Coming to Theaters!

  • October 1, 2019


Executive Producer and Original Story by Master Okawa, Founder and CEO of Happy Science. Check for more information on the offcial website!


Date From October 18th (Fri) ~ Time/Place “Japan” / “North America”

Executive Producer & Original Story Ryuho Okawa Director Hiroshi Akabane General Producer Hisaaki Takeuchi Screenplay Sayaka Okawa Music Yuichi Mizusawa


Makoto Mioya, a highly successful Japanese author and publisher, has a life-threatening, near-death experience. Powerful spiritual beings with whom he has communicated most of his adult life visit Makoto to remind him he has the power within to heal himself. Reborn, Makoto commits his life to sharing the almighty wisdom he receives from the spiritual realm. As doubters, including some of his own family, challenge and question his new-found ardor, Makoto must find a way to connect with his family and the ‘family of man’ to inspire a better world.

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 政治評論部門で1位を目指します!真の保守ブログとして!! 現在にほんブログ村の政治評論部門で4位です!! (OUTポイント順で1位 INポイント順で4位です☆)

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