

Germany accelerates the development of digital economy to create an ideal digital investment

2021-11-08 12:33:23 | 日記

Today, the world is undergoing a biggest edition, digital industrialization, and industrial digital trend are increasingly obvious. Germany as "leading sheep" in the EU countries, and is also experiencing digital transformation, which has developed a number of strategic policies and policies on digital development, and the "digital" as the weight in the economic task. During the 2021 Delivery Association, various states from Germany shared German digital diversity development and investment and business opportunities.

"Digitally reshapes all industries worldwide, including Germany. Currently, 75% of German companies have developed digital strategies and strive to make Germany's leading international columns in digital economic fields." Denis, Germany, Denis · Verffess is introduced in the forum.

As we all know, the automotive industry is the leading industry in Germany. With the digital impact, the car and transportation industry in the next 20 years will have a greater change in the last 130 years. A few days ago, Germany's Economic Minister Altemir expects that Germany will usher in the breakthrough in electric vehicle market in the next few years, and 2030 electric vehicles will reach 80%.

"Germany is suitable for the establishment of the European Headquarters, and develops a strong commercial base area in the European market. Germany or one of the world's automatic driving patents, research and IT talent teams, for Chinese companies, Germany is an excellent location. Verffez said.

In April 2020, the Volkswagen Group acquired 26% of China Electric Automotive Battery Enterprise, and became the first major shareholder and the first investment China battery manufacturer. At the same time, BMW and Guo Net Electric Automobile Service Company cooperate to develop, Daimler and Northern Airport joint venture manufacturing intelligent electric vehicles. These strong joints, new mutually beneficial cooperation complementary, promoting China and Germany companies more deep integration on value chains. Wu Yu, ambassador to Germany, believes that Sino-German has a lot of cooperation potential in digital fields such as 5G, artificial intelligence, automatic driving, biomedicine and new energy.

Since May this year, Germany's new coronal pneumonia epidemic situation has slowed down, and management measures have been relaxed, and the economy gradually enters the growth range. The German electronic industry relies on exports and is particularly obvious by the economic situation. According to data from German Electronics Industry Association, from January to May this year, the export volume of the industry increased by 11.8% year-on-year and 89.4 billion euros. Among them, China is the first large export market. The export of China increased by 11.2% year-on-year, reaching 10.1 billion euros. Up to now, the growth of this industry has been made up for the loss of the influence of the epidemic in the past year in 2020.

"Digital is Creative opportunities for Sino-German cooperation. In 2020, China increased by 10% to German Greenland Investment and Expansion Projects. Especially for companies with solutions in the field of digital automation, Germany has a good opportunity." Verken Si said.

Bavaria: German and even Europe's most innovative areas

Bavaria is the largest federal state in Germany, and is also one of Germany and Europe's most prosperous areas. Like many developed regions, Bavaria's service industry has developed well, and the tertiary industry accounts for more than 66%. Manufacturing is also the most basic, most important industry in the state, and there are many large business brands, such as BMW, Audi, Siemens, Andlo, etc.

Wang Xiaohui, the chief representative of China Representative Office, Bavaria, said in the forum, like China, Bavaria attaches great importance to digital development, and is one of the highest-ranging states in the German digital economic development. The state government launched many support policies to drive digitalization. In 2015, the state will digital development as an economic focus and plan to invest 6 billion euros to develop digital technology. In 2019, the State Economic Department introduced new digital economic measures, which planned to invest three aspects of funds for $ 2.9 billion. First, strengthen the R & D of key field technology, including artificial intelligence, quantum, 5g, 6g, additive manufacturing, and strive to build Bavaria as a high-tech network centered on Munich, connect all major cities. The second is to increase the reconstruction and expansion of infrastructure, including the construction of mobile networks, and signal towers to improve competitiveness in digital fields. The third is the reform of colleges and universities, attracting more research and development talents around the world to Bavaria, building more modern, and more open international universities.

At the same time, Bavaria is the most innovative region in Germany and even Europe, with a higher level than 90% -120% of European average. For many years, the Patent application of Bavaria is ranked by the top three of the German Patent Office, far higher than the average level of German patent applications. European Patent Office, German Patent Court, German Patent Trademark Office will be headquartered in Munich.

Over the years, Bavaria has maintained a good trade with China. At present, 400 Chinese companies have settled here, such as Huawei, Yulai, Great Wall, ZTE and other well-known Chinese companies have chosen to set up their production and research and development base.

Telefonica accelerates 3G site in Germany

2021-11-03 18:11:16 | 日記

The company began closing the 3G network in individual regions on July 1 this year, including Lower Saxony, Bavaria, Meclenburg - Mecnburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Saxony (Saxony) and North Rhine-Westphalia (especially in Ruhr).

This process has been implemented in a one-third of the total of approximately 16,000 3G sites in Germany so that the released frequency is available at a higher speed 4G service. The company originally planned to complete most of the 3G sites before the end of this year, and now the plan will be completed before mid-September, including the North Sea and Baltic Coast, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia (Thuringia Baden-Wurttemberg, Brandenburg and North Rhine-Westphalia part of the 3G site.


The company will carry out the last large-scale 3G signal in mid-November, mainly affecting Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse (HESse), the last site will complete the transformation before the end of the year .


Mallik Rao, CEO of Telefonica Deutschland, said that with 3G to 4G comprehensive conversion, Telefonica is paving on the road to the more powerful O2 network and a better customer experience, and he added: "4G has been a digital connection for a long time. The pillar. We offer 4G services for more than 99% of the population, and this scale is still expanding. At the same time, we will focus on 5G launch to ignite Germany's digital wave. We are increasing to all regions The more customers provide 5G services and provide them with two high-speed mobile data usage standards, namely 4G and 5G. "

Taiwan into the CPTPP controversy: Japanese cave sea is also in Fukushima

2021-10-29 11:08:07 | 日記

Last Wednesday (September 22) Taiwan Executive Yuan announced that it officially submitted the application to join the "Comprehensive and Progress Crossing Pacific Partnership Agreement" (CPTPP), the previous mainland has also submitted to join the application. The attitude of the mainland is "Resolutely opposing any country and Taiwan's official exchanges, and resolutely opposes the Agreement and organization of any official nature of the Taiwan area." Taihai relations are placed on the table.
CPTPP is an organization that is evolved from the previous cross-Pacific Partner Agreement (TPP), and there are currently 11 Member States: Australia, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia. In addition to the two sides of the Taiwan Sea, there is also a possibility to apply to join the agreement and South Korea, United Kingdom, Indonesia, etc. Previously, the TPP was advocated and then the United States would not add CPTPP.
Joining CPTPP must obtain unanimous consent of all Member States, this year's round-valued President Japan has certain influence on this matter.
At present, there are currently four candidates (Xianghe Ninglang, Shorea Shan Xiong, Phaseo City Early Miao, Chang Ye Tian Si) to apply for the participation in CPTPP to express and support, and the Japanese external Mao Maoemuchi also said, welcome Taiwan application to join TPP; for the application of the mainland, Japan holds cautious position, saying to observe whether it can comply with CPTPP high standard rules.
Australia who is carrying out trade in trade in the mainland clearly said that if you want to get Australia recognition to join CPTPP, China needs to cancel sanctions for Australian products and restart the ministerial talks.
However, CPTPP members also have clearly expressing countries supported by continents such as Malaysia and Singapore.
It seems to be seen from the current situation, Taiwan has a greater advantage over the continent to join the application through CPTPP. This advantage comes from Japan, the question is that Japan has a few distinct efforts on the tropoly?
As we all know, Japan and Taiwan are seen as a defense sentiment in the Pacific region. In April this year, Japanese Prime Minister Jukiyi visited the United States, expressed his attention to the situation in Taiwan. In July, the Japanese defense province's annual white paper was first clearly clarified "Taiwan's stability" importance of Japan. These drivers in Japan reflect Japan's crisis awareness on the Taiwan issue. They are worried that the mainland will control Taiwan will affect Japan and even further control most of the Pacific region.
Japan can be highly risky in the interventional sea. First, Taiwan Sea issues are the issue of territorial sovereignty, and the Chinese government has consistent position and attitude is "never tolerate any foreign forces interference internal affairs." If the Japanese policy turn is too large to Taiwan, it is necessary to lead to the contradiction between the day, and the damage caused by the Better to Japan's interests will be greater than the income, and it will not be lost.
Secondly, although this year, Japan has strengthened the defensive work in Ryuzi Island, and also planned a missile force in Okinawa Island, 300 kilometers from Taiwan next year. But Japan may almost absent from Taiwan issues to China - Japan's peace constitution is not allowed. Japanese Sendai Women's University Political Scholar Maslov (SEBASTIAN MASLOW) Think: "In an emergency, can Japan's leaders successfully explain Taiwan's safety in Japan's own national security is a decisive element. Only this In the case, the Japanese military involvement Taiwan conflict has justified reasons. "
That is to say, Japan has no legal position to involve Taiwan Sea conflict, Taiwan can only count on the United States. The United States has recently been withdrawn from the Afghanistan and the faction of the French submarine, it is difficult to ensure that the key moments can "depend on". After all, Lian Cai Yingwen has begun to appeal to Taiwan to "rely on himself". Guo Yan cooperation in the anti-China camp called "Angel", turning his face called "Snake" is a routine operation. In the United States, there is no foreign allies.
Taiwan's CPTPP is almost impossible to achieve, and Japan is actively showing another purpose. Japanese netizens commented on "Personal, I am very welcome, please release Fukushima (food) ban" "I hope that Taiwanese can once again taste the food of Fukushima." It can be foreseen that the Japanese government will follow the CPTPP conditions to negotiate with Taiwan, it must be to release the Fukushima food ban. If Cai Yingwen promised, Taiwan will become the largest dumping area of ​​Fukushima food; if Cai Yingwen refuses, Taiwan's application will go out directly. Whether Cai Ying is promised, CPTPP will still accept Taiwan, and the reason is obvious.
CPTPP's game is the game of Taiwan, Taiwan should still be awake, "candy" from Japan is from Fu Island, toxic and do not eat.