真の救いとは・癒しとは~And Healing is - is The True Salvation~
https://www.youtube.com/user/foster1648/videos (私のYOUTUBEアドレスです)
I as a composer,I've been challenged to create pop, rock, classic, jazz, blues and other styles.In order to enhance the ability of as a musician.The result, I think that it was the correct answer.The spirit is. 😊 learned a lot about composition.
I started publishing my own songs from June 2013 at YOUTUBE. At the recommendation of comrades with the same faith.Those that say that the composer took to me, is something like a "manifestation of altruistic love".Real God makes me think like that.Thanks to that, a lot of professional musicians recognized it.Although many are foreigners.Anyway, it ’s a deep gratitude.For those who recognized the musician as me.
真の幸せ者は罪穢消しを悟っている~True Happiness Who Have Realized How to Erase The Sins And Impurities~