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A Journey by Car
My father bought a new car one day. We were all very excited. He promised to take us to Melaka tovisit my grandparents the coming Sunday. Sunday morning was bright and breezy. We hopped into the brand new car and soon we were heading out of Petaling Jaya towards the expressway. My mother sat in the front passenger seat while my father drove. I sat behind with my younger sister.As it was Sunday the roads were not very busy. Soon we were on the expressway travelling at a leisurely pace. My father is a careful driver and he does not drive too fast or dangerously. This proved to be good for there was a speed-trap manned by the police along the expressway. I saw some cars stopped by the police. They had obviously been speeding. Driving along the expressway
tend to be monotonous. I actually fell asleep once we passed Seremban. When I awoke, we were already at the Ayer Keroh toll gate. My father paid the toll and steered the car towards Melaka Town.
On the way we passed many interesting sights. My father promised to stop by on our way home. We had to visit our grandparents first. We left Ayer Keroh and all its factories behind as we journeyed into the town itself. Like all towns, there were many cars and other vehicles. Also there were many tourists. Melaka has many places of historical interest and thus this was not surprising. Finally we arrived at my grandparents' house in Klebang Besar. The journey had taken about two hours. We stepped out of the car. My grandparents greeted us happily.
1 まずは、上のテキストを読むように言われて、読んでいきます。
2 発音がおかしな箇所を先生が指摘してくれます。
3 ブルーで囲ってある単語は、難しくて、たぶんわからないだろうという、今回の学習のポイントの単語です。
4 先生がわからない単語がないか聞くので、わからない単語を言い、先生が簡単なわかりやすい英語でその単語の意味を説明してくれます。
5 わからなかった単語の意味が説明によりわかったかどうか確認の為に、チャットボックスを使って、その単語で短い文を作成し送り、先生にみてもらいます。
6 先生が作成した英文を確認してくれて、間違っていたら訂正して送ってくれます。
TOEIC 500点代、英検2級から始める「英検1級最短攻略マニュアル