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Danger of 1million Employee Dismissal

2011-04-19 | Japan News
The aftermath is affecting employment in non disaster areas too. The ongoing planned blackout and the trend of saving electricity across the country has caused a great decrease in production. There are cases where employers have given employees indefinite stand-down or have not renewed contracts.

A part-time employee in Shizuoka says “I have been told to stand-by at home, but the company won’t pay me during that time. I am not sure what I will be doing after April”

Another part-time employee in Kanagawa says, “I have been standing by since 12 March. My recruitment agent has not guaranteed my wage during this period”

A full time worker in Aichi says, “I was told to take days off because of the earthquake. They won’t pay me while I am away”. A full time salesman in Tokyo says, “I was asked to quit my job by the end of this week because they cannot take on any new business due to the earthquake”

The number of these complaints is increasing at a much faster pace than the Lehman Brothers Shock which occurred in 2008, where approx. 300,000 complaints were received. Indeed, experts estimate that there will be more than 1million potential employees affected by the danger of unemployment.

[Sankei News] retrieved from: http://www.sankeibiz.jp/econome/news/110406/ecd1104062123001-n1.htm