~がんばれ、にっぽん~ Ganbare Nippon


High Unemployment Rate in Damaged Areas

2011-04-13 | Japan News

NHK interviewed approx. 600 people who are currently staying at evacuation centres in the most damaged areas including Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima on April 11, which is exactly 1 month after the East Japan Disaster. Approx. 70% have lost their job or have not been able to get back to their work after the disaster. 3 out of 4 victims have not been able to return to their job.

The details are as follows:
Employed 11% (dismissal) 34% (layoff)
Self-Employed 4% (permanently closed) 23% (unoperational)

A 70-year-old man in Miyagi says ‘I don’t know how to make a living after leaving the evacuation centre’. A 49-year-old fisherman in Iwate who lost his boat due to the tsunami says ‘I am too old to start a new career. I will have to start from scratch’. A 40 year-old-woman whose husband also lost his job says “It was good that all our family survived but we cannot see positives for our future. I wonder if it was really a good thing to survive”.

(NHK Twitter on 11 April 2011)

Event Report: Solway Primary School

2011-04-11 | Event Reports

Solway Primary School in Ashburton held 'Friends Of Japanese Day' towards the end of term 1. As part of their fundraising activities, students dressed up in red/white or Japanese clothes and played Japanese lucky dip, Disco at lunchtime, Japanese doll raffle and Japanese ribbon stall. The students also raised money by selling sausage sizzles, icy poles and second hand books on the day. They raised over $2000! Well Done!

'Pray for Japan' from Korean Prezi Users

2011-04-10 | Announcement
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'Pray for Japan' from 한국(Korean) Prezi Users -

韓国9人の魂を盛った共同作業。急に始めた事なんですけど、多様な背景の参加者達が一カンバスを眺めながら共同作業を始めたその初日夜の思いではいまだに分かれない興奮のように近寄ってきます。 9 Korean's soul-rich collaboration. Even though it started in big haste, a reminiscence of the..FULL STORY @http://www.doertalk.org/492 (retrieved from http://prezi.com/hvjwlq6cva4g/pray-for-japan-from-korean-prezi-users/)