

最近読んだ本 2014年12月

2014-12-25 | 

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「筆跡鑑定人は見た あの事件の舞台裏」 吉田 公一著
「世界が驚いた科学捜査事件簿」 ナイジェル マクレリー著 沼尻 由紀子訳
「不完全犯罪ファイル」 コリン エヴァンス著 藤田真利子訳
「中国が隠し続けるチベットの真実」 ペマ ギャルポ著
「チベット大虐殺と朝日新聞」 岩田 温著
「言いがかり国家「中国」を黙らせる本」 宮越 秀雄著

Who Hates Japan?

2014-12-25 | Weblog


Who Hates Japan?

I have been to about 19 Asian countries, and about 50 more countries outside of Asia. That is about 20 years living and traveling abroad.
The media would make out that the world is turning its back on Japan, but in reality the only countries more popular than Japan might Canada and Germany, or maybe Australia. (My guesses -- I have no way to know.)
Germany and Canada are very popular -- that much I know, and so is Japan. Only two countries that I have travelled hate Japan, and those are PRC -- the perpetual emotion machine and growing global tyrant. The other is the very irrational Republic of Korea.
Hatred for Japan in South Korea is so irrational that they would rather see NORKS with nukes than Japanese with smiles.
I have not been to North Korea but we can all see that the NORKS are a basket case, and as a country goes, insane.
Yet when I read media reports, it sounds like Japan is reviled by all of its neighbors, when in fact Japan gets along with everyone other than PRC and the Koreas.

Here in Thailand, Thai people love Japanese. Japanese are polite, friendly, rarely cause any problem. Whereas Mainland (PRC) Chinese and Koreans, well...they need an image makeover.

Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia -- all like Japan.

When you read articles saying that Asia has turned against Japan, that is an indicator of an ill-informed journalist who has no idea about the atmospherics here. Japanese are highly respected and welcomed around Asia.
For the most part, Americans also are highly welcomed in nearly all of the many dozens of countries I have travelled.